Warmaster Terrain Tips!

Geo-Hex 15mm Castle

by Jerry M.

Just got a note from Geo-Hex. Their redesigned 15mm castle (I have a friend that has an old one and it is perfect Warmaster scale but...the parapets were too small for a base) has 1 inch wide parapets.

>The castle parapets are now one inch deep.
>KR, Geo-Hex


It's a nice large modular castle and only rings in at $45.00.
I think I'm gonna get one with a couple of breached wall sections and a damaged keep.

Check it out!


Cheap Resin Buildings!

by Mark McKinley

If you do a search on E-Bay for Warmaster, you are blessed with many items to bid on and build your army for a very low price. But while you are scanning the list of items, occasionaly you'll see a resin building or a lot of 3 for anywhere from $3 to $10.

These buildings can acutally be bought at a chain of stores around the Tidewater area of Virginia known as "Dollar Tree." Yes, each one of these almost perfect scale painted houses & castles are only $1! My wife & I fell in love with these and have snached up quite a collection. Just the other day, the store is now putting out lighthouses...perfect for Admiral.

K's Collection is the name of the company that makes the resin buildings.  The great thing about these is that they are painted. I keep then on a shelf next to my gaming table so I can pick and choose what setting we want to fight in.

I don't know if these are available anywhere else in the US, or across the pond for that matter.

Just do a search on E-Bay and you'll see some pictures of the buildings.  I'll take some pictures of mine and post them soon.

Mark McKinley
Elizabeth City, NC

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