Last updated on 12/01/00

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WHFB Q&A From the E-Desks of The Studio


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From the Main Rulebook

Errata for Ravening Hoards

From Ravening Hoards

White Dwarf

From the Army Books



1. Page 118 If a character joins a War Machine, and has a missile weapon, could he Stand & Shoot that weapon? Or since he is part of the Crew unit, and that unit cannot S&S, therefore he cannot as well?

Unless specifically acting as crew (i.e. an Engineer who used his ability the previous turn) a character who joins a unit is not considered crew and so may stand and shoot.

2. Who strikes first when two units are charging? For example when you persue into fresh combat and then in the enemies turn the persuing unit is charged. We couldn't find it in the rulebook, and the only source we could find was the Empire book's Counter-charge description but we weren't sure if that was specific to Detachments or not.

The only reference is on page 262, which says that units would fight in Initiative order, before non-charging units.



1. Page 58, then pages 93 & 94, Throwing Axe has two different ranges listed. I assume 6" is correct (from pages 93 & 94) rather than 4" from page 58.

Yes, 6" is correct.


Close Combat

1. When Overrunning. Page 78 Second column Para 2 "May be necessary to wheel slightly" My question is basically 'How much is slightly?' Are there any guidelines (i.e. wheeling to engage the most models and possibly avoid 'clipping' is okay, Wheeling to grant you a new target is not.

The target unit is determined by the direction of your overrun move - i.e. the one straight ahead. After thhis has been determined, the player must get as many models into contact with the enemy as possible, as per a normal charge. This does not allow you to ignore the first unit you would normally hit and go for another one.

2. When addressing striking first in combat Page 68. If the I value is equal between the two models and the roll off is also a tie do you actually strike simultaneously or roll again till you don't. The rules don't indicate either way.

Roll off until you have a winner.

3. Subsequent fleeing.... Page 75 First Column. Fleeing troops move toward a table edge "it will move round obstacles including units of troops..... will not move within 4" of an enemy unless they have no choice. If they are surrounded for example."

Does this mean that they will not deviate until they reach 4"? I can see abuse with moving in a meandering sort of 'away from the bad guys' sort of way to gain an extra rally test (or two!).

Does this question make sense?

They must make all attempts to flee off the battlefield. After this primary concern, they will, if possible avoid enemy units, unless this means they are not fleeing the battlefield as quickly as possible. I.e if they can't go around a unit without getting within 4" then they will approach closer, otherwise they'll circle around along the shortest available route.

4. On page 54 of the Warhammer Rulebook, left column, at the bottom, you'll find the following phrase - "Individual models (the assumption being individual models that are part of a unit of many, as opposed to single models like a character) can turn to face the chargers and avoid this test _and any other penalties_, unless they are already engaged in close combat."

This indicates to me that if I charge an unengaged unit its flank, individual models are turned to face the attacker (cuz it looks better) and the unit does not lose rank bonus, does not allow the attacker to claim the +1 flank attack bonus, and, as stated again elsewhere, does not take a panic check.

Is this correct?

Units that consist of a single model are individuals, obviously, but Skirmishers also function the same way. Normal ranked units can't be worked this way as if they did the whole point of flank charges wouldn't work.



1. On the Fear test (page 81) - what if your Unit Strength is _equal_ to the enemy when you fail the test? Flee or 6's to hit?

You should change 'Higher' to 'equal to or Higher' in the section on being charged by a fear-causing enemy (this is going into the reprint editions)

2. Page 80 Under item #2: If a unit has only one model left in the unit the turn it is destroyed in combat, does unit nearby have to make a panic test? (i.e. does the last model in the unit count as a single model, or still as a unit?)

This is determined at the time it was destroyed (i.e one survivor won;t make you test, two survivors will)

3. Page 80, item #3, Panic Checks for Side/Read Charges: It says that you use the Unit Strength (5 or more) to require the check, but then says at the end that no test is required if the charging unit is less than 5 models. Is that last sentence a typo, and should not be there, or do you only do a test if you have both 5 or more models_and_Unit Strength of 5 or more?

Just mentally delete the last sentence. A Unit Strength of 5 is the only requirement needed.



1. If a character is carrying a magical weapon and a shield, on foot, do they get the +1 AS bonus? Mention is made that magical weapons don't get the 'special rules' from their mundane counterparts. I didn't know if this was an oversight or if the intent was for magical weapons to not get the +1 AS bonus. Now the funny bit. If a character is carrying a hand weapon and a magic shield, on foot, do they get the +1 AS bonus?

No bonus in either case. As you point out, the presence of a magical weapon or a magical shield will negate the special rules for mundane items. As both hand weapon and shield are required for the mundane rule of +1 armour save, having a magical one of either cancels that special rule.



1. Page 95 Characters Marching: Do these rules only apply to foot characters or are mounted characters included?

The section on character movement is a little contradictory. To make things clearer, we've decided that all of the special character movement rules apply only to characters on foot - the marching rules, 360° arc of sight, etc. Characters on mounts or monstrous characters (i.e. those with 6 or more starting wounds) follow all of the normal movement rules regarding arc of sight, marching, terrain etc. Note that like chariots and monsters, such characters do not need to wheel or turn as such, and can move freely in any direction.

2. If two characters are with a unit that captures an enemy standard, what happens to the captured banner if they are the only survivors?

They still have it (and are still a 2 model unit). If they decide to split up then you can choose which of them retains the captured standard.

3. In the rule book it states that the two protagonists are moved into base contact with each other with the character accepting the challenge moving to face the issuer of the challenge.

This happened last night and the bret player said that the gap where the champ moved from is left vacant and so the charging knights effectively can not fight. But surely this would not happen in a real battle as the knights charge in and magically stop when the one man they are facing goes off to fight a challenge. I believe that the the figure being replaced by the challenged figure is placed in the spot where the champ came from and thereby allowing the knights to fight.

That's not quite true. What we said was that if, after _swapping_ the positions of the models, enemy are left only in contact with a model in a challenge, then the enemy may not attack. The models are swapped if this is feasible, or moved to one side if necessary, and everyone can attack models in base contact as normal except those involved in the challenge.



1. When a template weapon (stone thrower) hits dead on a rider of a large monster (or chariot) Does the 'big hit' for being directly under the hole of the template affect them both, or just the character?

It only affects the character.


Special Rules

1. Page 113 Regeneration: Can a model slain by another model with Killing Blow, that rolls a 6 on the to-wound roll, Regenerate?

You cannot regenerate a killing blow, and note that for combat resolution purposes use the remaining wounds of a model slain by killing blow.


Fast Cavalry

1) Do fast cavalry auto rally from a charge reaction flee? On page 269 in the Rules Commentary on special rules it says they can (3rd entry). But the normal rules as on page 117 there is no mention of this.

As is normally the case, the main rules are correct.


War Machines

1. I noticed that templates for spells and templates for war machines worked in two different ways, is there a reason for this. See Pg 121 and139 (Just wanted to ensure they are indeed different)

Refer to the individual spell descriptions.



1. Comet of Casandora is a Remains in Play, but doesn't have the standard "stays in play until Wizards wants to cancel it, or he dies" bit like other RiP spells. Should it have these words, or is it so powerful that it must be actively dispelled to stop it, and survives even if the caster dies?

Once the comet is on its way, that's your lot - you can jump and down on the wizard all you like, it ain't gonna stop fifty tons of star iron slapping into the battlefield.

2. For the Bane of Forged Steel it says that unit would now be considered to be using hand weapons, does this improve the save of the unit if they have shields and what is the affect if any on a unit already with hand weapons. ( the +1 armor save for hand weapon shield isn't listed with the weapon bonuses.)

They have a hand weapom so all of the rules that apply to hand weapons count.

3. Page 75. Rallying at start of the turn: If you do so, could you move the unit via Magic and then fight in close combat? It says you cannot Shoot or Fight, and cannot do any other Movement in the Movement Phase, but via Magic you could relocate the unit into contact with the enemy. If so, would they actually fight in the Close Combat?

They would fight as any other unit.


Magic Items

1. Page 154 Dispel Scroll: Should the last paragraph, second sentence read, "Any spell that is successfully cast with a result of double sixes is irresistible and no Dispel roll is permitted." Instead of ".... result of 12 is irresistible..." (You could easily get a result of 12 without rolling a singe 6)

Yes, it should be double sixes

2. The rules for magic Items state that a character with a magic item cannot use other close combat weapons (pg 152). What is the affect of the Law of Gold , once a magic weapon cannot be used? Can the Character attack at all, and if so how?

Characters generally come with a hand weapon, so they'll have to use that instead,

3. Have a general and a specific question. The general question is "Does Magic still 'Trump' normal rules where they contradict?" Which leads to the specific question "Can a unit of Knights led by the a Templar Grand Master (making the unit Immune to Psychology) carry and get the benefit of having the Banner of Sigismund (making them Stubborn)?"

There is no magic vs mundane trump anymore. In the example you give, the banner would have no effect - immune to psychology is immune to psychology. If it were otherwise, you’d get situations where a player could say 'My Dread banner is a magical fear and so therefore overrules your mundane immunity' which of course is not the case.

4. Can You use a Dispel Scroll to dispel a spell that was cast in a previous turn and has remained in play?

No. It says in the description of the item that it needs to be used "as soon as a spell has been cast". Obviously if the spell was cast in the previous turn this won't be the case.


Errata From Ravening Hoards

P.10: Lords entry, special rules: Update Chaos Dragon rules from "A Chaos Dragon causes terror, is a large target…" to: "A Chaos Dragon can fly, causes terror, is a large target…"

P.13: Chaos Trolls entry, special rules: Change text from "Regenerate, cause fear." to "Regenerate, cause fear, stupid"

P.15: Warpfire thrower entry, special rules: Update rules from "Place the 2.5" template over the Warpfire Team…" to "Place the 3" template over the Warpfire Team…"

P.22: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Update the paragraph start from "Any Core unit in the army, except Skink Skirmishers, may upgrade a model…" to "A Temple Guard unit or any Core unit in the army, except Swarms and Skink Skirmishers, may upgrade a model…"

P.24: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade…" to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade…"

P.25: Great Eagles entry is in the correct place, but the Unit Size rule needs to be changed from "1. You may take up to 2 Great Eagles as a single Special choice." to "1. You may take up to 2 Great Eagles as a single Rare choice."

P.26: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade…" to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade…"

P.28: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops except Dryads and Treemen may upgrade…" to "Any unit of Glade Guard or Archers may upgrade..."

Also, the start of the second sentence of the paragraph should be changed from "Any unit of cavalry may upgrade…" to "Any unit of Glade Riders may upgrade…"

P.30: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade…" to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade…"

P.32: Blunderbuss rules. The last two sentences should be changed from "Hits are resolved at S3 if firing in 1 rank, S4 if firing in 2 ranks and S5 if in 3 or more ranks. Ranks must be complete to count." to "Hits are resolved as S3 plus 1 per extra rank up to S5. Ranks count if at least 4 wide. A single character in the front rank will not effect the unit’s fire."

P.33: Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower entry. Change the Unit Size rule from "1 War machine with 3 crew" to "1 war machine with 2 Hobgoblin crew"


From Ravening Hoards

1. We noticed that in a battle of less than 2000 points a Demon host army cannot have a General.... Can you play without a General? The rules don't specifically say that you can not (that we could find). Seems kind of odd to us though. If you cannot, can you play with a Demon Host army of less than 2000 points?

Yes, I spotted this too. I think it would be okay to use an Exalted Daemon as your general in battles under 2,000 points (2,000 points or more you still need a greater daemon).

2. 'Do you have an errata or a clearer working of the lance formation and how it works. As it stands, the current explanation in RH is very confusing. Some people think that you must spend a turn reforming after combat. i.e. If you win combat on turn 2, you spend turn 3 reforming into a lance, and move on turn 4.

If your lance doesn’t break through intact on turn 1 it'll dissolve into a mass. As the Bretonnians are trained to fight in lances and not otherwise, as soon as this mass becomes unengaged it must spend a turn reforming. This is one   of the disadvantages.

3. Lizardmen: Hero’s Cold One is listed as having 1A. Is this correct?

Lizard Hero Cold Ones should be amended to 2A like al the otherentries for CO. DE list is OK

4. In the list for Beastmen the trolls aren't stupid. Correct or not?

They should be Stupid

5. Although the letter of the law (so to speak) lets a Dark Elf Assassin hide in a Dark Riders unit, was this the intent? Or are they limited to the infantry as they used to be.

They shouldn't be allowed to hide in Dark Riders units.

6. Are Batswarms classed as flying units, skirmish etc

After long discussions we agreed that normal swarms should behave exactly like any other unit (say of Ogres/Trolls), so they would wheel, have ranks etc. Bat swarms will be defined as a flying unit in the VC book, but for the time being they are a normal swarm (ranked up) and have a movement of 8, the only exception is that they can move over terrain/units.

7. For the purposes of character movement are Bull Centaur's (From RH Chaos Dwarves list) counted as infantry or cavalry, or something else?

All models on a 25mmx50mm base are cavalry.

8. What happens if another enemy can charge the rear rank of the lance but because of distance or vision limitations or some other (there are several that I have come up with) reason cannot reach the 'reformed as per skirmishers' bretonians. Would they gain extra inches of movement to engage the (now much shorter) unit of Brets? Would the Brets reform with a long flank on one side so they could conduct combat with both? Would it be considered a failed charge?

I would guess it's a failed charge, in the same way that if you charge models that are lapping around who then are moved back and out of range.

9. Stegadons: what happens to the skink crew when the stegadon is killed?

Options would be:

- remove them from play as well (treat Steggy like a Chariot)
- they form a unit of their own (like aa ridden monster)
- something else we can't think of :)

I believe the phrase 'Treat Stegadons as ridden monsters...' indicates answer B.

10. If you are shooting into a unit of pink and blue Horrors do you randomize the shots? It seems like you would but the rules (Ravening Hoards being a bit...abbreviated) don't actually say.

Yep, you should randomize the hits,

11. In the Ravening Hoards entry for the Lizardman Salamander it is a bit unclear exactly where you place the template. Would you be targeting the Unit and place the template over the center of the unit? Or would you have to target a model he can see and place the template over a model in the front rank?

It's on the unit (like 40K-ish)

12. I just has a quick question for you. In White Dwarf 251 the Dogs of War article lists the Alcatani Fellowship pikemen as having a WS & BS of 2. Is this correct?

Yes, but that's why they're so cheap.

12. In the Ravening hoard it lists several dances that the Wardancers can perform and they all work well in a 1 on 1 fight. They are a little unclear if you have more than one unit facing off at a time. Take for example the 'Shadows Coil': "The Wardancers don't attack and may not be attacked, and the combat is automatically considered a draw." Would this draw be changed

if one or the other side had a Musician? What would happen if there were say a Treeman fighting the unit with the Wardancers. It is pretty clear that the treemen and the enemy would fight but would it still be a draw, or something else? Would it not be resolved as one side vs the other, but the enemy vs the Wardancers AND the enemy vs the Treeman, simultaneously? Is there an easy way to resolve this that we have missed?

Let's break it down. Firstly, the Wardancers cannot attack. That's pretty straightforward. So is the fact that they cannot be attacked. If there are other units involved they can bash each other merrily. Finally, the combat is automatically drawn, i.e. no-one wins. Ever.


White Dwarf Lists/Additions

1. I just has a quick question for you. In White Dwarf 251 the Dogs of War article lists the Alcatani Fellowship pikemen as having a WS & BS of 2. Is this correct?

Yes, but that's why they're so cheap.

2. We just saw the entry for Wraiths on the rumors page on the GWUK Website. Cool stuff. One question (that we probably know the answer to already), are Wraiths Heroes? or something else?



Empire Army Book

1. In the Empire Army book the Master engineer is listed as having BS 3, and 4 in seperate places. Pages 14 and 27.

He's supposed to be BS 4


Orc and Goblin Army Book

1. Hand of Gork - it says it can move any Orc or Goblin unit of any type. Does this mean literally any unit in the army (trolls, giants, etc), or does it mean just Orc/Goblin units (units of that race, including Snotlings)?

It means literally any type of Orc unit (ie Savage Orcs, Orc Big'Uns, etc) or any type of Goblins (Goblin Wolf Boyz, Night Goblins, etc). Snotlings are neither Orcs or Goblins and so are excluded just as Trolls and Dogs of War are (unless the DOW are Orcs or Gobbos).

1.5 But Snotling Pump Wagons are allowed, right (as per the wording on the spell)?

The mention of SPW is a remainder from a previous version of the spell and should be removed. Delete the sentence "Snotling Pump… for this purpose."

Otherwise the answer is as before.

2. Just to be Chrystal Clear about the 'Hoards' in the back of the Orc and Goblin book, the options and restrictions are the same as description of the troops earlier in the book, while the NUMBER of troops is limited (or not limited) by the number under the specific list (i.e. in a Night Goblin Hoard, Squigs Herds are not limited to 0-1 as in the description).

You are correct. Options are the same unless otherwise mentioned, numbers of units is as per the p76-77 list (so NG armies may have more than 1 Squig Herd).

3. If a Night Goblin Fanatic hits a ridden monster who are the hits worked out against: the rider or the monster? A chariot only hits the monster; are we right to assume that the fanatic works the same? We assume this because of the battle report in White Dwarf 250, were the fanatics attacks seemed only to hit the Griffon and not the rider.

Actually fanatic hits on a ridden monster are randomised. So roll for the number of hits, allocate them out evenly and dice for the odd ones. If you look at the batrep you'll se that both the Grifon and general took a lot of hits, it's just that the general saved his and the griff didn't.

Just to nail it dead, would you ramdomize evenly (1-3, 4-6) or use the shooting random table (1-2 = rider, 3-6 = monster)?

Shooting table. 1-4 monster, 5-6 rider.

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