Warhammer: Albion
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In the following pages our inquisitive readers will be able to find a description of the history of Albion, the rich culture of the realm, and the leadership of the peoples of Albion.  Through these texts you may learn more about these peoples and their ways.

History of Albion

To the rest of the world, the people of Albion are a mysterious and barbarous race of blonde- and red-haired giants that go into battle wearing strange woad war paint, this is far from being the true story of these people. They have a rich, and ancient culture that is based around the family unit, or tuatha, this is not just a single family, but an extended clan led by a tuatha chief. Each of these chiefs considers himself to be a king (Rhi), answerable only to the High King (Ard Rhi), and even then there can be contention, especially in times of a weak High King, or in times of famine or trouble.

The people of Albion are called the Celtoi by the rest of the world, or simply the Celts, their name for themselves are the Gaeli, which means in their language "the people." They are a warrior society, and take pride in the warrior's arts, but they are also a race of craftsmen and poets, where the wise men of the Druidic societies are seated at the right hand of the King, and are considered to be just one step below royalty.

The extended family, or fine, is the basic social unit consisting of several generations of descendants from one anscestor. When several fine join together, they are known as a tuatha, and are ruled over by a tuatha chieftan, or Rhi. There are 100-110 tuathas in the land of Albion, these are grouped into local Rhiads to which the clan chiefs owe their allegiance, the Rhis of these Rhiads owe their allegiance to the Ard Rhi, which by custom is one of the Rhiad rulers and upon an Ard Rhi's death a new Ard Rhi will be elected by the Rhiads to replace him.

Important to the people of Albion are the following rules:

Honour: A warrior always keeps his word, and he never leaves a fight until it is finished, once his allegiance is given, it is not violated.

Also important is Hospitality: Everyone has an obligation of hospitality and must share hearth and table with anyone that requests hopitality of them. To strike a guest is one of the worst crimes, and for a guest to strike or attack his host will bring instant outlawry.

Society is structured as follows: The Ard Rhi, The Ard Draoi, The Ard Brehon, The Ard Olaav, The Rhis, The Fiann chiefs, The Fianns, craftsmen, and Fhili (Druids, Brehons, Bards, and physicians), the common laborer who is without land of his own comes last in standing. The different levels of society can be told by the number of colors they are allowed to wear.

1. Serfdom which wear but one color.

2. Aire who did not own their own property wears two.

3. Aire who ownes their own property (cattle, etc.), wore three. Members of the Ruada, the soldier caste' also wears three colors.

4. The Brughaides (hosteller) wear four colours.

5. The Fili' wore five colours.

6. The Ard-Fili' wears six colours. The Ard-Fili', the candidate being elected by others of the Fili', from amongst the most respected of their number.

7. The Righ or Rian. This is also a position which is filled by the will of the people, as determined by vote. They wear seven colours.

Amongst the people of Albion, women fight alongside their men and are some of the fiercet fighters, making up what they lack in Strength with pure ferocity.

The people of Albion have some of the finest smiths and craftsmen known to the world, their weapons and jewelry is both renowned and sought after by other kingom, and has cause raiders from the Norscans, Chaos, Dark Elves, and the kingoms of the Old World to descend upon Albion soil in search of riches and treasures.

The standard dress for men is a short tunic, cloak, leggings, and sandals. For women it is a long tunic or robe and sandals, which a long, flowing cloak, which is fastened with a brooch at the left shoulder. A man's cloak will be fastened with a brooch at the right shoulder. They also wear a sword belt, a torque of gold, silver, or bronze, and armurings. Women wear neck chains and girdles made from chains of prescious metal.

The Gods:

The people of Albion worship:

Danu, Mother of the Gods, Patroness of Wizards, Rivers, Water, Wells, Prosperity and Plenty, Magic and Wisdom.

Dagdha, the Father, the Red One, Lord of the Occult Knowledge, Dagdha the good.

Mannan mac Lyr, God of the Sea, God of the Tempest, he always carries the Crane Bag, which is a Cauldron of Plenty.

Cernunnos, The Horned One, God Of the Wild Hunt, Nature, Virility, Fertility, and Animals.

Isha, The Earth Mother, The Bringer of Spring.

Morrighan, The Battle Raven, Goddess of Death, Goddess of the Underworld, and The Goddess of Battle Rage.

Ogma, The Sun-Faced One, God of Wisdom, Rhetoric, and Poetry, he is also God of Music, especially the harp, and of Manly Strength.

Brigida, The Goddess of Young Warriors, The Giver of Courage, The Watcher, She Who Brings Wisdom in War.

Scathach, The Battle Hag, She Who Lives on The Isle of The Hag and trains with her ever-bloody sword, when you come near to her isle you can hear the clanging of a Great Forge, she is The Giver of Skill with the Warrior's arts, and the Taker of Life.

Seasons and Festivals:

The people break the year into four seasons, and have four main festivals. These are Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine, and Lughnasadh. Every year, there is the Feis at the Ard Rhi's capital, to which all the Rhis, Rhian, come to the Ard Rhi’s palace, for this is both feast and Grand Council, and each turning of the season in every Rhiad, there is a very great Feis (feast) held, at other times of the year there are lesser Feis. Each Great Festival also hosts a Mor Dal (Grand Fair). At the lesser Feis, there is the Dal (fair). At each of these, there are meetings of the Fili to discuss the laws and to read the laws to the people, at this time the most important trials are held, and the testing for the new recruits to the Fiann and the Draoi orders. At each testing, only the very best and most dedicated are chosen, the tests are open to all Kindred, and those who decide to be tested know that the tests can be both trying and dangerous, many Kindred have not survived these test whole, be it magical or test of arms. The people know that upon the Fiann and the Draoi orders, rest the safety and protection of Albion, and they must be the best to survive. The Rhis and clann chiefs organise Great Hunts for the enjoyment and the training of their warriors, also to rid the land of the Chaos beasts that find their way onto the shores of Albion and that descend down out of the Central Mountains and the Mountains of Land's End, these mountains are called the Hollow Hills for the many caverns and tunnels which hold many Goblin tribes, and worse, the beasts of Chaos.

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