Warhammer: Albion
Contact The Old Sage

In this book you will find the following sections:

A description of all the units that make up the formidable armies of Albion.

All the weapons, options, points values, and other details you need to prepare your army for battle.

A precious source of lore for those who are willing to learn.






The island of Albion was settled long ago, in the time when Man first spread throughout the Old World.  It was a beautiful land, untouched by the wars that had ravaged much of the rest of the land.  It had sweeping plains, rolling hills, and tall mountains that touched the sky.  It was a land of promise.

The mages of Albion decided that the island must stay hidden from the prying eyes of those who would dare take her from her rightful people.  They cast a powerful spell that covered the island in an inpenetrable mist.  No man could see through or sail through this mist.  But it was not enough to do this; Albion still had to raise an army that would defend its shores and do battle on the shores of other lands to protect Albion from its enemies.

As an Albion player you must be very careful and use all the various parts of your army together, in a highly coordinated plan.  You don't have 'super' troops that can win the alone for you, so your units must work together and support each other to defeat the enemy.  Nothing can be left to chance, because if you allow your opponent to conduct the battle on his terms you will likely face defeat.  On the other hand, if you learn to use it well, an Albion army makes a fine and balanced force, which is fun to collect and can be extremely powerful on the battlefield.

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