Warhammer: The Gorrum Empire
Contact The Old Sage

Gorrum Empire City - gor-city.jpg (19376 bytes)

The Gorrum Empire prides itself in having some of the proudest and oldest cities in the known world.  Although the outlying areas of the cities are flat and sprawling, consisting of mainly single- and double-story clay brick buildings, the central parts are walled behind huge square fortifications.  These fortress walls are extremely wide and contain the barracks for the city's army as well as their training guards, quarters for the military officers, stables for their animals, and roadways broad enough to accommodate a chariot passing in either direction.  Vast crenellated towers are evenly positioned along the walls and contain various types of war machines and other armaments.  The walls are pierced by huge twin-towered gates that are massive fortresses in themselves.  The inner walls are carved and decorated with freezes of heroes and great military leaders as well as scenes and fantastical creatures from mythology.  Beyond the gates is the heart of the city.  This area is dominated by vast domed buildings with spires and minarets of alabaster and onyx.  Many of the domes are sheathed with gold or other precious materials.  Here are the homes and dwellings of the elite in Gorrum society, as well as the halls of justice, the great libraries, the great merchant houses, and the satrapical courts and the royal courts.   There are large plazas covered in mosaics and fountains and huge open markets, where one can find goods from all over the world, and immense tropical gardens that are decorative and are used by the populous for relaxation.

Karabad is the capital of the Empire and home to the Emperor.  His colossal domed palace is situated at the center of the city.  Its opulence is renowned throughout the known world and marveled at by those who visit.  The Emperor presides over his court seated in a huge black throne, which is intricately carved and decorated with scenes of battle.

The coastal trading ports along the southeast shore are vital to the Empire's continued prosperity, as it provides a means for trading with the rest of the known worlds.  Ships from the Empire can be seen from the ports of Cathay and Nippon to the ports of the Old World.  The most important of these seaports is D'hali, which is situated near the southern cape and controls the major sealines from east to west.

The citadel at D'hali stands upon a vast granite outcropping dominating the harbor and protecting it and the city from attack.  The city has vast docks and warehouses where the trade of many lands is collected and resold.  The city is one of the great financial centers of the Empire and as such it is guarded by one of the largest contingents of the Empire's army and is a major naval port.  The city is protected by powerful walls and fortifications.

The city of Tibal is situated in a high mountain valley and controls vast mines and mineral resources.  It is also the center for much of the metalworking and weapons craft of the Empire.  This city is the home of the Gorrul Swordmasters, who are some of the finest sword masters of the known world.

Agra is situated in the vast central plains and is mostly an agricultural center where grains and vast herds of domestic beasts are raised.

There are many lesser cities, towns, and villages in the Empire, too numerous to count, much less to name here.

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