Warhammer: The Gorrum Empire
Contact The Old Sage

In the following pages our inquisitive readers will be able to find a description of the history of the Gorrum Empire, the rich culture of the realm, and the leadership of the peoples of the Gorrum Empire.  Through these texts you may learn more about these peoples and their ways.


The Gorrum Empire has not always been united.  In the early days the races lived apart and spent much of their time warring on each other.  The Gorrum outnumbered all the other races and enjoyed a successful period of conquest, even conquering the Gorrum Chi and creating the first dynasty of the Gorrum Empire.  The first empire was filled with internal conflicts and several civil wars erupted.  An attempted coup eventually led to a bloody revolution sparked by the massacre of a Gorrum Chi family and the leader of one of the Gorrum Chi factions.  Out of the turmoil rose Harkam Headsplitter, a great Gorrum Chi Warlord and hero.  He was incensed at the Emperor's incompetence and united the Gorrum Chi and many of the other races against the Emperor's ineptitude.  Many of the army commanders joined Harkam's standard and marched upon the royal palace, where they found the Emperor in a debauched orgy and seized him and beheaded him on the spot.  After this the army and the Empire claimed Harkam as the new Emperor and the savior of the Empire.  From that time forward the Empire has been ruled by Harkam's descendants and the Gorrum Chi hold the highest places of nobility in the Empire.  All of the Saltraps and high military and the majority of political officers come from the Gorrum Chi ruling class.

The Empire has fought many bloody wars with its neighbors, and many of its heroes have been the most violent of beings.  In recent times the Empire has had to fight against the Undead hordes that are on its southwest borders to keep this horror at bay.  The Empires of Cathay are on the Gorrum Empire's eastern and northeastern borders and there have been many bloody wars with these neighbors.  To the northwest there is the wastes and the Chaos Dwarfs to contend with.  To the north there is the Gospodar nomads who are constantly raiding the outlying settlements of the Empire.

The Emperor sent out his brother to lead an army against the Undead hordes who were attacking the Empire's western border.  This army met with defeat, and had to be rescued by a larger force led by the Grand Vizier.  But the Emperor's brother was lost and has been seen as a skeletal form amongst the ranks of the risen Undead.

The Empire must constantly fight to defend its borders and its rich farmlands, mines, and forests from those who would take them from the Empire.  The Empire also fights to increase its holdings and to expand its borders.  For such is the destiny of warriors.

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