Warhammer: The Gorrum Empire
Contact The Old Sage

In this book you will find the following sections:

A description of all the units that make up the formidable armies of the Gorrum Empire.

All the weapons, options, points values, and other details you need to prepare your army for battle.

A precious source of lore for those who are willing to learn.






The Empire has fought many bloody wars with its neighbors, and many of its heroes have been the most violent of beings.  In recent times the Empire has had to fight against the Undead hordes that are on its southwest borders to keep this horror at bay.  The Empires of Cathay are on the Gorrum Empire's eastern and northeastern borders and there have been many bloody wars with these neighbors.  To the northwest there is the wastes and the Chaos Dwarfs to contend with.  To the north there is the Gospodar nomads who are constantly raiding the outlying settlements of the Empire.

The Empire must constantly fight to defend its borders and its rich farmlands, mines, and forests from those who would take them from the Empire.  The Empire also fights to increase its holdings and to expand its borders.  For such is the destiny of warriors.

As a Gorrum Empire player you must be very careful and use all the various parts of your army together, in a highly coordinated plan.  You have a variety of specialized troops, and you must build an army in such a way that your units work together and support each other to defeat the enemy.  You should leave nothing to chance, because if you allow your opponent to conduct the battle on his terms you will likely face defeat.  On the other hand, if you learn to use it well, a Gorrum Empire makes a fine and balanced force, which is fun to collect and can be fairly powerful on the battlefield.


An Introduction by the author:

This army book has been influenced by many things I have read and studied over the years, including Hindu culture and history, the writings of David Eddings, Fred Saberhagen, Robert Jordan, and many others.  It came about through my wish to create an Empire for the Warhammer world that would be non-human but still be civilized to a certain extent and have a distinct culture and a multi-racial society.  The races of the Empire are to some extent related to each other in ancestry, except for the Grollacs.  But they have evolved quite differently due to the circumstances under which they have lived over the millenia since their inception.  It has taken many years to finish this army book, mainly due to the fact that I have made numerous changes to it as we have found things that worked better and also things that we had created that just did not work or fit the background properly.  Also, with the sixth edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, we had to go back and make several changes to the original races and to their rules and magic and magic items.  I hope that everyone will enjoy our efforts.

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