Warhammer: The Gorrum Empire
Contact The Old Sage

The Empire boasts one of the greatest and largest militaries in the known world.  Its many centuries of strife have created a vast warrior caste and a well honed military system.  The core of the army command structure is stationed at the capital with vast offices, file rooms, and training facilities.  Here also are the largest divisions of the army and the Emperor's guard, known as the Bloodletters.

There are also divisions stationed in all of the satrapies and along the frontiers.  In times of war the Emperor levies forces from the provinces to augment the standing army.  These are conscripts from all of the cities, towns, and villages throughout the Empire.

All members of the Gorrum army wear richly colored and intricately embroidered costumes.  The varying colors in their dress reflect the different provinces the troops come from.  Their brightly shining armour is elaborately embellished with gold and other precious metals.  The Gorrum believe that if they are going to die, they should be wearing their finest apparel when presenting themselves before the judge of the dead.

Gorrum form the backbone of the Emperor's army.  They form the largest section of the army, having countless regiments created just from their race.   Gorrum are taught to fight from early childhood.  The foot soldiers are broken down into units according to the weapon they favor.

Swordsmen are dressed in bright, richly embroidered clothing over which are fastened an iron chest piece and light laminated shoulder and arm protection.   They also wear iron-shad boots.  They are armed with a curved scimitar and   a medium spiked shield.  They wear conical helmets, often adorned with spikes or plumes.  Higher ranking officers and soldiers wear more elaborate costumes.   Some swordsmen who have distinguished themselves in battle are trained to use great two-handed tulwars (curved swords).  These are sheathed in long scabbards across their back.  Halberdiers wear similar armour but carry halberds with long sword-like blades.  The Archers are armoured similarly but forego the shoulder and arm guards, as they restrict their firing ability.  They are armed with composite bows and maces.

Also from the ranks of the Gorrum come heavily armoured assault troops who wear plate armour and also carry halberds.  These are especially feared troops by their enemies, for they attack with a single-mindedness of purpose and fury.

The Gorrum cavalry ride either Cold Ones or, in some instances, powerful boars which have been trained for war.  The boar riders are especially feared by their enemies.

Many Gorrum ride to war in chariots with scythed wheels pulled by ferocious boars.

The Gorrum Chi are armoured much like the Gorrum but make up an elite group of warriors armed with halberds or great two-handed weapons.  Some Gorrum Chi choose to fight with two swords or two heavy axes.  Gorrum Chi officers often ride powerful war chariots or sometimes they ride upon war elephants into battle.

The Gorrul fight mostly as swordsmen, spearmen, archers, or Giant Wolf-riding cavalry.  They wear mostly light armour or no armour, and carry medium or small shields.  Some Gorrul fight from howdahs atop the great hulking war elephants.

The Gorrba are mostly archers and javelinmen or light skirmishing cavalry mounted upon Giant Wolves.

The Grollac are huge and fight mostly in small units of their own kind.   They prefer spiked and bladed gauntlets as weapons.

The Bloodletters are elite guards made up entirely of Gorrum Chi and they are fanatically loyal to the Emperor and fight with a fury and frenzy that is unmatched amongst the rest of the army.

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