Warhammer: The Gorrum Empire
Contact The Old Sage

The religion of the Gorrum Empire is controlled by a group of powerful Priests who are in turn controlled by the Emperor who is also the Head Priest. These Priests instill into the population the belief that their gods speak through the Emperor and the Priesthood to show the population that which is needed in life and in the afterlife. There are several gods amongst the pantheon that is worshipped by the Gorrum Empire. The most important of these gods is Prajapati, who is the Earth Spirit, and the Emperor of the Gods. According to legend, in the beginning there was only the waters. From the waters was formed the Golden Egg. Prajapati was hatched from the Egg, speaking the words Bhur, Bhuvah, and Zvark, thereby forming the Earth, the Air, and the Sky. Prajapati has every power that any god or mortal in the mythos possesses, for all things are part of him.

Parjanya is the Storm God. He is the bringer of storms, and the embodiment of aggressive action. He is the god of war, and of warriors. He has the power to raise those slain in battle as well as complete control over the Air, storms, rain, and wind, and he especially has control of Thunder and Lightning. He appears as a huge Gorrum Chi with red skin in full red lacquered armour.

Varu, the Protector of Oaths, and the Divine Judge. He is constantly vigilant that oaths shall be kept and duty shall be honored. He is the most feared of all the gods, for he brings disaster to those who do not honor their oaths and fulfill their duty.

Savatri is the god of the Sun, the bringer of light and warmth, and the giver of fertility. Savatri is also the healer, his light has the power to heal any wound. The sick and the injured pray to him for healing, and couples pray to him for fertility and children.

Yahama is the Lord and Judge of the Dead, and between the land of the living and his kingdom flows the River of Blood, which all spirits must cross on their way to Yahama's judgement. Yahama may send a spirit back to life reincarnated in one form or another, depending on their deeds in life, or he may send the spirit through the twenty-one hells if the person was a violator of trusts or a breaker of oaths in life.

Kari, she is also known as the Black One, for she is the embodiment of destruction, and also of creativity. She is both the taker and the giver of life. On the one hand she gives birth and on the other she is known to eat her own sons and destroy the life that she has created. She is both feared and honored as a beautiful, horrible, life-giving and life-taking mother. Kari appears as a four-armed female with red eyes, a skeletal face, and a blood-smeared body. She wears clothing made of severed heads. She is the patroness of assassins.

Haspari, the Sage, the Teacher, the Giver of Knowledge and Wisdom. It was he that gave knowledge to the Gorrum Empire and it is he that gives ideas to those who create and to those who build. It is from him that the knowledge of the Magi come, and it is also from him that all the great works of the Empire have come. It was he who passed unto the Empire the ancient law codes that set forth the rules by which every individual lives.

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