Warhammer: Kislev
Contact The Old Sage







The people of Kislev moved into the Old World from the areas east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and founded the kingdom which lies on the north eastern borders of the Empire.  Its rulers are mighty warrior-sorcerers, practitioners of a brand of magic which is quite unlike that of the Wizards of the Colleges of Magic.  This magic draws its powers from the land, and is cornered with the manipulation of chill, frost, and biting winds.
D6 Spell Casting Value
1 Freeze Water 5+
2 Ice Shards 5+
3 Shield of Cold 6+
4 Chill Blast 7+
5 Bridge of Ice 8+
6 Death Frost 15+



Cast on 5+

This spell may be used to freeze over an entire body of water anywhere on the battlefield, for example an entire river, a marsh, or a lake.  A frozen river, marsh, lake, etc., may be moved over at normal rate.   Once frozen a body of water remains frozen for the rest of the game - the spell does not remain in play and may be cast again at a different body of water.  A dispel attempt of any kind will not unfreeze water once it has been frozen, but any Fire or Light spells that cause damage that are cast on the water will automatically unfreeze it.



Cast on 5+

Sharp icicles fly out from the caster's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path at a range of up to 24".  The Ice Shards cause D6 S4 hits on their target.  Armour saving throws apply as normal.



Cast on 7+

An icy blast erupts from the caster and strikes the first unit in its path and within its range of 24".  The target unit is chilled to the bone, causing limbs to snap and weapons to break.  The Chill Blast inflicts D6 S5 hits and no saving throws are allowed for armour.



Cast on 6+

The caster may cast this spell onto himself.  It will surround the caster and any unit they are with with a shield of intense coldness.  Any missile weapon must roll a 4, 5 or 6 on a D6 to penetrate the Shield of Cold.  Roll to penetrate the Shield of Cold, and then roll again for hits with any penetrating shots.  Roll for each shot separately.

The Shield of Cold is automatically dispelled if the wizard or unit he is with enters hand to hand combat, but otherwise remains in play for the remainder of the battle or until it is dispelled.  A reminder should be placed on the table beside the caster to indicate that the spell is in effect, possibly a token of some kind.   The Shield of Cold does not protect against magical attacks of any kind but only against ordinairy missile weapons.  It does protect against shots from war machines.


Cast on 8+

This spell enables the caster to transport a friendly or an enemy unit or a single model up to 18" across the table in any direction.  Affected troops are swept up upon a heaving bridge of ice and carried to their new location.  Troops may be moved over intervening models, buildings, terrain and any other obstacles or scenery.  Troops may be moved onto a castle wall, rok\cky pinnacle or other elevation.  The Bridge of Ice may be used to move friendly troops into hand to hand combat, in which case they may fight from the following combat round and count as charging in the first round.



Cast on 15+

This spell may be cast against any one opponent in hand to hand combat with the caster.  Parts of the opponent are frozen solid and turn into ice, causing terrible wounds or killing him outright.  To determine the damage caused roll 2D6.  The difference in dice scores indicates the number of S10 hits inflicted.  If you roll a double then add the dice together to determine the number of S10 hits.  Work out wounds and saving throws for each hit as normal.



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