Warhammer: Norsca
Contact The Old Sage

Odin is King of the gods, master of poetry and the runes.  He sacrificed himself to the only power he respected, himself.  He hung on the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nine nights, a spear in his side, without food or drink.  This ordeal allowed him to bring back the magic runes. The Runes are both alphabet and mystic symbols of power.  When carved and enchanted by a Runecarver, they carry magical properties and power given to the Runecarvers by Odin.  They are magic in every sense of the word.  The Runestones used by Runecarvers to cast spells are destroyed when they are used, but the runes engraved onto weapons and items make the items and weapons permanent magic items.  No item may normally have more than three runes carved on it, as they cannot withstand the magical power of more than three runes.  Many of the runes can be engraved multiple times, but some may only be engraved once upon an item and others still are so powerful that there may only be one in an army.  Total up the cost of the runes on an item to figure out the item's cost.


- Fehu

Fehu is the Rune of Fate.

When cast upon weapons, this rune affects only the first enemy character model struck by the weapon during the battle.  All wounds inflicted on the character by the weapon are doubled - i.e. for each wound inflicted the target suffers two wounds.  Take any saving throws after doubling wounds, so the foe has a chance to save each wound inflicted.   This bonus applies to all further attacks made by the weapon against that enemy model for the rest of the game.  If this rune is inscribed twice wounds are tripled, if inscribed three times wounds are quadrupled.

When cast upon an amulet, the wearer may reroll any one dice roll during the game, and may add +1 or -1 to the roll.  No more than one of these runes may be cast upon an item, and no character may carry more than one item with this rune cast upon it.

Cost 25 points per rune.

- Uruz

Uruz is the Rune of the Auroch, named for the wild ox of the North.

When cast upon a weapon, the rune will add +1 to the wielder's Strength.  A weapon may have up to three of these runes.

When cast upon an amulet, it will induce frenzy in the wearer.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an amulet.

Cost 25 points per rune.

- Thurs

Thurs the Giant Rune.

When cast upon a weapon, the bearer will wield the weapon as if he has S10, and all hits will be at S10.  No weapon may have more than one of this rune.

When cast upon armour, the wearer will have +2 Toughness.  No armour may have more than one of this rune.

Cost 100 points per rune.

- Ansuz

The God's Rune.

This rune may only be cast upon an amulet used by a user of magic.  The wearer gains 1 magic level (up to a maximum of 4).  The magic user may take spells from any single Lore.  This does not bestow any special abilities of any magic type other than the user's own.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 50 points per rune.

- Raido

The Chariot of the Gods.

When cast upon an axe or a hammer, the wielder may throw the weapon in the shooting phase.  The weapon may be thrown up to 12" at any enemy model within range.   The target model is automatically hit once as if struck by the wielder.  Then the weapon flies back into the wielder's hand.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 50 points per rune.

- Raido

The Chariot of the Gods.

When cast upon an amulet, the wielder may fly as per the rules for flight in the Warhammer rulebook.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 50 points per rune.

- Kenaz

The Torch.

When cast upon a weapon, the weapon will flame, doing fire damage and will affect things that are only affected by magic.  Creatures that have special vulnerabilities to fire will be affected by this weapon.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 15 points per rune.

When cast upon amulets or armour, the rune will give the wearer a 4+ ward save against all fire-based attacks, whether natural or magical.  This save is only against fire-based attacks.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 25 points per rune.

- Gebo

The Gift Rune.

This rune may only be cast upon an amulet, rod, or staff used by a magic user.   The bearer may take one extra Power dice each magic phase.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 40 points per rune.

- Wend

The Rune of Hope.

This rune may be cast upon armour, shield, or amulet, and will raise the bearer's Ld by +1.  Multiples of this rune cannot take Ld above 10.

Cost 40 points per rune.

- Hagl

The Rune of Hail.

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone and use it to cast the Hail of Doom spell.  During the magic phase, the Runecarver may cast the Hail of Doom spell by tossing the Runestone into the air, reciting an incantation, and pointing at a target that is within 36".  That character, unit, or model will be struck by a fiery hail that will do 1D6 S4 hits with no armour save allowed.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 30 points per rune.

- Naudh

The Rune of Constraint.

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone.  The rune is used by holding the stone and pointing at the target, which can only be a single enemy model within 18".  The victim rolls 1D6 and adds the result to its Ld.   The Runecarver rolls 3D6.  If the Runecarver equals or beats the target's score, the victim falls into a rigid trance and his body appears to be wrapped in vines covered with mistletoe.  A model cannot be harmed or moved while in trance, and can do nothing at all.  The rune spell remains in play once cast.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 40 points per rune.

- Iss

The Rune of Ice.

When cast upon a weapon, the weapon will allow no armour save, and if it inflicts a wound upon its victim, the victim will immediately suffer a further D3 wounds.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 100 points per rune.

- Iss

The Rune of Ice.

When used by a Runecarver who inscribe it on a runestone, the rune is used by holding the stone and pointing at the target.  An icy blast erupts from the caster and strikes the first unit in its path.  This blast has a range of 24".  The target is chilled to the bone, causing limbs to snap and weapons to break.  The unit takes 2D6 S5 hits.  No armour saving throws are permitted.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 25 points per rune.

- Jer

The Rune of Seasons.

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone.  The rune is used by holding the stone and pointing at a target within 24".  This may be any single model that is within range.  The target must roll a D6 and roll under his Toughness (a roll of 6 is always a failure).  If the target does not roll under his Toughness, he will immediately begin to age, losing 1 point from his Toughness, he will continue to lose a point of Toughness each further magic phase until the spell is either dispelled, the target dies, or the Runecarver that cast it dies.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 25 points per rune.

- Yggdrasil's Rune

The Rune of Strength.

When cast upon a weapon, the wielder of the weapon may double his Strength when attacking creatures with a Toughness greater than his own Toughness characteristic.   The rune has no effect against other targets.  If engraved twice, the wielder's Strength is tripled..  The maximum Strength Value that can be obtained is 10.

Cost: 50 points per rune.

- Perthro

The Rune of Luck.

This rune may only be inscribed on armour or an amulet.  This rune allows its bearer to re-roll any dice roll once during the game.  The rune only works once, after which it is useless.  No more than three of these runes may be cast upon any item.

Cost 15 points per rune.

- Elhaz

The Rune of Protection.

When cast upon armour or an amulet, this rune confers a 4+ save versus magic spells and magic effects on a D6.  This is not a dispel, and only protects the wearer.   Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 30 points per rune.

- Sowilu

The Sun Rune.

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone.  The rune is used by holding the stone and pointing at a target within 24".     The first unit in its path will be struck by a ball of fire that will 2D6 S4 hits on the unit.  This magic fire will affect those things that are only affected by magic weapons for armour save modifications.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 40 points per rune.

- Tiwaz

Tyr's Rune.

This rune may only be inscribed upon weapons.  When the bearer fails his to hit roll, he may take the roll again.  No armour saves are allowed, except for magical armour.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 60 points per rune.

- Byarkan

This rune may only be inscribed upon an amulet.  The bearer automatically recovers one wound he has suffered at the start of his own turn.  The bearer must still be alive in order to recover wounds, if he is killed outright the rune cannot protect him.   The bearer cannot recover more wounds that he started the battle with.  Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 45 points per rune.

- Ior

The Twin Rune

This rune, when cast upon a weapon or an amulet, will double the bearer's Attacks characteristic.  This is done before adding any extra attacks for extra weapons.   Only one of these runes may be cast upon an item.

Cost 50 points per rune.

- Mannaz

The Rune of Man

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone.  The rune is used by holding the stone and touching a friendly model that is in base-to-base contact.  The rune will immediately restore 1 wound to the model.  This may not give the model more Wounds than it started with.  The rune may be used on a model that has been killed if the Runecarver can reach it within one turn.  The Runecarver must be in base to base contact at the beginning of his magic phase to use this rune.   This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 35 points per rune.

- Laguz

The Water Rune

This rune may only be used by Runecarvers who inscribe it on a runestone.  The Runecarver melts away into a pool of water which is absorbed into the ground.  The Runecarver may immediately reappear anywhere within 24" of his initial position.   Alternatively, he can reappear within 24" of any river, pool or other water source.  This rune can be used to carry  the Runecarver into hand to hand combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first turn of fighting.  This is a magic spell, and can be dispelled (it takes a roll of 5+ to do so).  The spell will be cast at the level of the Runecarver, but takes no power dice to cast.  A Runecarver may take as many of these runes as he wishes within his maximum points allowance for magic items and runes.

Cost 40 points per rune.

- Ingwaz

The Hero's Rune

When cast upon a helm or standard, all units within 12" may take any psychology or break tests with an unmodified Leadership value of 10.  In hand to hand combat break tests are always taken at a value of 10 even if combat results bonuses would otherwise reduce the value to less.  There can be no more than one of this rune in an army.

Cost 100 points per rune.

nor-d.gif (127 bytes) - Dagaz

This is the Rune of Clear Sight.

When cast upon an amulet, the bearer will always see things for what they are.   This means that any hidden troops, including Assassins, will be discovered and spotted if they are within two times the wearer's Initiative.  Troops that are hidden within regiments of troops, including Assassins, Night Goblin Fanatics, etc., will also be discovered if they are within two times the wearer's Initiative in inches.

Cost 50 points per rune.

nor-o.gif (109 bytes) - Othala

The Rune of Inborn Quality

When inscribed on an army standard, the standard adds a further +1 to the combat results of all units within 12" of the battle standard.  There can be no more than one of this rune in an army.

Cost 100 points per rune.

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