Warhammer: Norsca
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In the following pages our inquisitive readers will be able to find a description of the history of Norsca, the rich culture of the realm, and the leadership of the peoples of Norsca.  Through these texts you may learn more about these peoples and their ways.
1042 King Gudrod (dies).  Queen Ossa rules as regent for her son Halfdan.
1082 King Halfdan the Black dies.
1117 Guttorm becomes regent for Harald Halfdanson.  Many raids are made on northern Albion and settlements are started in Hybernia.
1137 Harald unifies Norsca.
1177 Eirik Bloodaxe becomes king.  Norsca split by civil war.
1180 Hakan the Good kills Eirik Bloodaxe, becoming king and reuniting Norsca.
1192 King Hakan the Good killed by the Eirikssons.
1197 King Harald Eiriksson is killed by Jarl Hakan Hakansson, who becomes king and revenges his father's murder.
1231 King Hakan is succeeded by his son Olaf Hakansson, who rules peacefully and justly, creating the Hakansson dynasty of kings, who will rule for the next 300 years.
1546 Olaf Trygvasson becomes king when the last of the Hakanssons die without an heir.
1580 Chaos incursion.  King Olaf is slain by a great Bloodthirster at the Battle of Bones.
1588 Sven Hakonsson unites the Jarls and drives the last of the Chaos forces from Norsca, but many foul monsters remain in the mountains and wilderness areas.
1640 Olaf the Stout becomes king, fighting many battles against hordes during his reign.
1692 Knut Olafsson succeeds his father as king.  He leads a great expedition to the New World and attempts to set up a colony, but his colonists are driven away by the Skraelings.  He returns to Norsca, a broken and bitter man.
1693 Hakan the Bold defeats Knut in battle and takes the throne.  Hakan's descendants rule for 250 years.
1943 Magnus Olafsson becomes king.  He leads a mighty army in an invasion of northern Albion, creating a colonial state under his rule.
2082 The Albions drive Magnus's colony into the sea.  Many refugees return to Norsca.
2103 King Horik dies while feasting.  He is succeeded by Harald Klak as king.
2118 Horik the Younger kills King Harald and takes back his father's crown.
2170 Olaf Horiksson becomes king after his father's death.
2212 King Gnupa fights a mighty battle against the Empire, losing much of his southern lands.
2214 King Gnupa dies in captivity in Altdorf.  His son Svein Gnupasson swears he will regain all lost territory and starts a war that will last for 30 years.
2243 King Svein Forkbeard fights a battle with the Empire that will be the last battle of the war.  Svein wins the battle but loses his life.  He is succeeded by his son Harald Sveinsson, who signs a treaty with the Empire that returns all Norscan lands.
2301 Hardaknut Knutsson becomes king and pushes the Norscan borders eastward all the way to Kislev.
2341 Thorvold Hammerhand becomes king.  Thorvold is renowned for his strength and his mighty punch.  It is said that he once killed a great white bear with one blow from his mighty fist.
2392 Thrand Ozursson leads an expidition to the New Coast and establishes a great Norscan trading colony there.
2456 Asbjorn becomes king and fights a mighty battle against Chaos.
2502 The Present.  King Ragnar Lodbrok rules a powerful united Norsca, with colonies and trading marts in the New World, and the South Lands.  Norscan traders maintain trade marts throughout all of the Old World.
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