coming soon.......SYDNEY 2000 - The Olympic Games

Ol In Thailand Australia Mexico USA - 2000 !

Well, the time has come already and I'm off back to Oz for a few weeks holidays to get in the Olympics. The plan is to visit Thailand on the way there and Mexico and America on the way home!!!

Up at 5AM to get to Cork with Sinead on the morning of the 7th of September. We arrived in London at about 9 to get our connecting flight for Bangkok, Thailand in about 2 hours..... Bought the 'Rough guide to Thailand' to get some info on where we had planned on going......From last years adventures we didnt have to get any new vaccinations.... The flight was comfortable enough and we were lucky enough to fly over a thunder storm somewhere near the middle east...It was amazing to see the lightening from above!! Arriving into Bangkok was a bit strange, there was water everywhere and it didnt look too inviting....Walking out of the airport you are greeted with a strange but funny sign reading: 'Welcome to the land of Smile' How many meanings could this have we asked ourselves. We checked out and went straight for the Thai Airways domestic flight desk, where we booked on the next flight to Phuket. Down in the south of Thailand. Thai Air fly to Phuket almost every hour of the day, so just arriving there and booking is no problem. The return flight cost about �90.....

under construction be continued.....

.......keep watching for further updates.......

E-mail me at [email protected] in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me in......



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