Thankyou for reading my Terms of Use

All Graphics, websets, contained on this site are copyright to Angel Rose graphics (C) Angel.L.S
I spend alot of time making these graphics sometimes I can sit here for hours designing things that i feel people would like to have on their websites, I offer them to you for free to use on Personal non Commercial web sites.
Please do not display them in any graphic collection or claim them as your own
All I ask in return is that you place a
Banner with a link back to this site from the page you use the Graphic on,this will allow others to use these graphics too, a written link is fine I understand some people like to keep the page in matching colours.

There is a Banner made for each Webset I design please link that Banner from the page you use your webset on to

I understand that it can be expensive to run your own sites and you also should be included to use these graphics if you wish to do so please
E-Mail me and I'm sure we can come to some arrangment.

I hope you all enjoy my designs please come back from time to time as I will add to them as time allows and please load them to your own server as from time to time I do change the names of these graphics .
god bless peace and love to you
Angel Rose.
Please use your Back button in your browser to return to the page you just came from .
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