Interests, Thoughts, and Links

This section will most certainly be under constant revision, as I find links to interesting topics such as British, North American, Latin American, and Holocaust literature; E-Commerce; the Democratic Party; Cuba; Puerto Rico; and baseball.

British Literature

Luminarium Literature
The Victorian Web
MIT William Shakespeare Page

North American Literature

The (Edgar Allan) Poe Decoder
Database of Female North American Authors
The Life and Words of Herman Melville

Caribbean & Latin American Literature

Gabriel García Márquez Web Site
Patrick Jamieson's West Indian Literature Reference Guide
Colección Jorge Luis Borges

Holocaust Literature

Holocaust Literature Research Institute
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Al Filreis' Literature of the Holocaust Site

The Democratic Party

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic National Committee
Georgetown University College Democrats


Society for American Baseball Research
Sean Lahman's Baseball Archive
The Sporting News' History of the World Series

Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rico Herald
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Department of Tourism
Welcome to Puerto Rico!


The Georgetown University Caribbean Project
Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy
Cuba Web

E-Commerce and Web Technology

E-commerce Guide
Commerce Net
IBM E-Commerce Guide
E-Commerce Times

Georgetown University

The English Department
Center for Latin American Studies
Political Database of the Americas

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