Friendship Verses

"A wonderful Friendship is just like a Rose,
Because it brings Joy when it blossoms and grows."

Updated 0208.16/51045

Fun is Fun to Everyone,
Most Fun folks will agree;
But if you're not there
To make things Fun,
Then Fun ain't Fun to me.

-With permission from Perri Hart (Johnny Hart's Daughter)

My Friend

My Friend is someone special, to be treated with much care,
For when there's noone else, my Friend is always there.

When my troubles become more than I think that I can bear,
He's quick to understand, and he lets me know he's there.

My happiness and good times, with him I'll always share;
For when it is important, I know that he'll be there.

And now, I'll ask you people.... Have you found this jewel, so rare?
Have YOU found such a Friend... who will ALWAYS be right there?

-Author Unknown

The Gifts of a Very Special Friend

...........................A lifetime of love in a hug and a smile,
.......................... A reason to visit and stay for a while,
.......................... The strength of a bond that's destined to last,
.......................... The joys of the present, the warmth of the past -

...........................Those are the treasures a fortunate few
.......................... Are lucky to cherish all their lives through -
.......................... Those are the blessings on which we depend,
.......................... For those are the gifts of a Very Best Friend.

-Emily Matthews
(From a Bookmark given to Olo by Edric)

Copyright ©2001,2002 by Olorin Edric
Last revised: 0208.16/51045.

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