Updated: Stardate 0606.26/11216

Now, I'll express my viewpoints on the many, many many things that annoy me; as well as my viewpoints on the few things I actually approve of.

Most of these letters were written to the Editorial Department of The Akron Beacon Journal, known as Voice of the People. As they retain the copyright on the published letters, and as they have never quoted me exactly, I will post the letter as I originally wrote it, and to which I, rather than they, hold the copyright.

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Mailed June 7, 2006:

As Caroline Cook Stated on June 2 (Government has no role in a religious function) The definition of marriage is not a static one, but a culturally dependent one.

Actually, as marriage is a religious condition, the government has no right to license it or grant divorces. Seperation of Church and state demands that marriage is a religious function and the state has no right to deny it to anyone; much less tax it, license it or grant divorces.
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Copyright ©2004,2006 by Olorin Edric
Last revised: 0606.26/11216