Spite (n) -- 1. ill will with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart; petty malice; grudge; rancor. 2. vexation; mortification.

"I really don't like The Tea Party and it bugs me that they're ripping off all this (stuff). And it bugs me that people are stupid enough to buy into this guy who wouldn't recognize an original idea if it landed in front of him." ~ Ken MacNeil of rusty

The three of us here at Julia's Temptation are confused as to why certain bands feel it necessary to attack and slam other bands, seemingly without justification. If you have read the Our Lady Peace Spite section of our page you probably know what we're talking about already. Yes, we realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but to continuously attack a band (this is not the first time Mr. MacNeil has talked about The Tea Party) and ESPECIALLY its fans is low. Obviously the people who say these things feel threatened somehow by some bands' success, and they must find the easiest ways in which to make themselves feel better. It is sad. We do not hate rusty as people nor do we wish to give other people a lower opinion of them -- we simply wanted to express our thoughts on this matter. Thank you for your time.

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