Well, we've finally decided to let all you lovely people in on who we really are, on what makes our crazy little minds tick. Aren't you just so excited?

Welcome to our humble page. We didn't start this site in an attempt for it to be the best OLP/TP page out there; heaven knows there are many better, more visually stimulating sites than ours. This site isn't about graphics, and quite admittedly doesn't hold much aesthetic value. However, we only wanted to use our little part of the web to present to people how these two bands have affected us. We hope you enjoy this site based on that fact.

All the information is true to the best of our knowledge, so if you've seen something that pokes your ass, just e-mail us and tell us your matter of contention. Julia's Temptation

So enjoy your explorations around our website...

"Isn't ignorance absolute bliss sometimes?"

A photo of us, courtesy George Strombolopolous (fingers). Thanks George! The person closest the camera is Katie!

I've had enough of these fruitcakes 1
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