Tsunamis:Scientific analysis
On 26th Decenber 2004, the alignment of the Earth is shown through simulation. At about zero GMT the Earth cut across the  the line joining the centre of gravity of the Sun with Saturn. The planetary orbit simulation programmes are based on light travel time, hence the crossing cannot be seen or observed in real time. The simulated program shows the actual positions as it was at that moment.  The crossing of Earth took about a fourth of a second across this imaginary line. Sankhya theory proves by axiomatic mathematics that space is real and the line connecting the centres of gravity of twoo bodies has a stress potential of about 10E+35 kgnewtons per second and when this large value is obstructed, cut or disrupted suddenly, very large forces are created that can be identified through application of the impulse/momentum theorem. On the Earth at the first impulse the surface would have been pulled upwards towards Saturn and then pushed bach after a few seconds. This impulse would have triggered an explosive earthquake and tsunami, It occured in 1883 at the same spot for the same reasons and in the same way. The unforgettable Krakatau explosion made an island dissapper and threw a pall of smoke and debris that remained in the sky for days. The next episode can be anticipated in 2129.
The Article : Tsunami in Pdf format.
The view of Sun/Earth from Saturn.
The view of the crossing along the orbit.
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