Valerie Hightower lives in sunny Florida with her three sons Mark, Christopher and Cameron.  After spending countless years searching for a publisher to invest in her talents and subsequently receiving endless rejection "but keep on trying, I'm sure you'll find the right publisher for your work" letters, she decided to stop searching outward for validation and start looking inward.
     Still, it wasn't until several years later that she even decided to self-publish "Fool's Gold" and bring it to the public.  But, after the idea entered her thoughts it seemed like a natural thing for her to do.  It was at that moment that she redirected her focus from finding a publisher, to being a publisher.

     Valerie gives full credit to her family for the sacrifices they have made in order to help her realize her dream and to all of her friends that supported, counseled, pushed, encouraged, assisted, advised or simply let her dump a load off her chest.  The role each person played has significantly changed the course of her life, hence altering her perspective on life, in general.

     Rising                Publishing Company is a symbol for everyone that has felt trapped in an existence that no longer serves its purpose, as a rebirth to a more rewarding, fulfilling and meaningful spirit.
What is the key to unlocking your Spirit? Click on Key

Photo is getting a touch up.  You know the drill, remove unsightly moles, hide scar over left eye, erase pimples, (I'm not going to mention the wart on my nose:-)

"You should never look back to the past, unless you are measuring the distance from which you have come"
Fool's Gold
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