* Comissions F A Q

     You want to commision me to make a picture/fanart? Sure! thereŽs no problem, if i
can do it, iŽll work on it. First of all, im from Venezuela, so, sorry if my english isnŽt
perfect. What i need from you, is a detailed and specific descripcion of the artwork you
want, and weŽll talk about any details then. Additionally, you should read this FAQ to have
an idea of the price, details and simple rules i have to accept a commission. If you send me
an email asking for a commisioned artwork, iŽll assume you read all this page before.

---Things to keep in mind---

-I keep the right to reject a commission for any reason (personal reasons, overload of work,
health problems, vacations, etc). Im not forced to, but probably, if i reject a commission,
iŽll tell you why. (obviusly, if the main page states "Commisions are closed", i wont take
commisions, and wont reply any email about it)

-My "strong point" are the charracter artworks and CGŽs. I can do a lot other types of
artworks, so feel free to ask about what you want to commission, but character artworks are
my best line of artworks, and of course, they are the ones i finish in less amount of time.

-Artworks take their time, i dont accept deadlines. I usually work fast if i dont have any
problems, so i dont want to receive emails asking about the artwork status. DonŽt worry, if
anything happens, iŽll let you know.

-I dont make "erotic art", nudiity or whatever associated with that. Period.

-Prices are negotiable (more quantity of works/complexity = more negotiability)

-Any question about commisions can be mailed to me, under the title/subject "Commissions"

-This one should be obvius, but anyway. TThe finished artworks you receive, are not for
commercial use, just for personal use. If you want to use any of them for commercial
purposes, ask and weŽll talk about it.

-The artworks will be made in order. If yyou ask for an artwork, and there are 2 others in
queue, you must wait until i finish these before i work in yours.

These are simple rules, right? nothing complex.

--Types of Artworks--

1 normal artwork
1 character - B&W = 13 $

+ BG - B&W = 20 $

+ add character = 5 $ each (up to 2 additional characters)


1 normal artwork
1 character - color (CG) = 25 $

+ BG - color = 35 $

+ add character = 10 $ each (up to 2 additional characters)


1 artwork
4+ characters = 40 $

+BG - B&W = 70-80 $

1 artwork
4+ characters = 60 $

+BG - Color = 70-80 $

-All prices are minimum, they can change depending on complexity. (4+ characters artworks
price is for 4-5 characters only.. 5 characters is not the same than 12 characters)

-"Characters" include animals aand beasts. 1 Man and a wolf, makes 2 characters.

-This table is for reference only. Anythiing not included in it, can be asked anyway by


-You will receive the finished requested artwork, without any mark (like website urls)
besides a little signature in one corner, that most probably will be part of the artwork
itself. The work will be sent via email, in high res JPEG file at 100 - 150 dpi. Optionally,
youŽll receive the B&W signed ("autographed") sketch, in a good res, 72 dpi aprox JPEG file.

-If you want to receive the printed versiion, the print and shipping cost will be on you
(itŽs usually a cheap price anyway)

-I reserve the right to decline a printedd version delivery request (for reasons like you
only asked for a simple 1 character-no BG-B&W artwork) but if you want it, as anyway. I may
accept to send the printed version)

-Once again, you canŽt use the artwork foor commercial purposes, just for personal use. If
you want to use it commercially, ask me for it and weŽll negotiate it.

--Payment methods--

-For the moment, i donŽt have paypal. Im trying to get it soon. There are other simple and
fast methods, like using MoneyGram or Western Union (i prefer MoneyGram, is easier for me
here), or even an international bank transfer to my bank account in Venezuela. You must pay
50% of the price after receiving the first sketches of the artwork, and the other 50% after
agreeing with the last sample (a small sample version of the finished work), and then iŽll
send you the finished hi res version via email or mail.

As you can see, a commission is a very simple process. If you have any doubts or questions
not answered here, send them to me by email and iŽll reply as soon as i can.


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