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Everything I'd Hope to Be by Ben Funk


First, an intro on MIDI. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. So what's that mean? It uses sound devices on PC's and Macs to do music. It's not "taping"'s recreating them.

MIDI uses various commands to make music happen. Note On makes a note play and Note Off makes it stop. Key pressure works like a piano. Sometimes it's called velocity. And the higher the number, the harder the pressure and the louder the note. Controller Change tells the computer to use the foot petals for sustain or quiet or such, or also modulation wheels (to transpose the music) or volume sliders. Finally is a Program Change. This is when a channel changes from one instrument to another. Say channel 11 was a clarinet for the first 54 measures and later on I decide that it should be a trumpet, that would be a program change.

General MIDI Facts

Wow, sounds confusing, don't it? Yeah, it does. Well, it really isn't because you don't have to deal with it exactly like that. All these MIDI were composed and/or arranged using Cakewalk Pro Audio 8.0. What you do with this is paste ordinary-looking whole or eighth or whatever length of notes you need onto an ordinary looking staff.

So what's this mean to you? Maybe not much. Maybe nothing at all. But to me making my music public is my pride and joy and the original writings in my Big Book of Staff Paper along with the lyrics here and there are only way I can express myself. Following this pragraph is my list of MIDI.

Omar! Originals

  1. The Dance
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled 2
  4. Untitled 3
  5. Another Untitled
  6. Yet Another Untitled
  7. Touch Me --lyrics by Eddie Rick
  8. You Guessed It...Untitled
  9. Untitled, needs help
  10. Most Famous Untitled Work
  11. One More Untitled
  12. Untitled, Unfinished
  13. DragonChlyde --for Creed
  14. No Fears Text available here.
  15. Omar's Lament
  16. Smile
  17. Waves
  18. Heart of Gold
  19. The Difference Text available here.
  20. The North Wind
  21. Can't Break Out
  22. Illusionary
  23. Screaming in Silence
  24. Everything I'd Hope to Be
  25. Thank You For Your Love words by Jimmy Gialelis
  26. Please Let Me Love You words by Jimmy Gialelis
  27. When I Close My Eyes words by Jimmy Gialelis

Other Peoples' Stuff Arranged by Omar!

One last thing I HAD to include was "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.

Something you missed? Love me? Hate me? Naked pictures?
Send them to [email protected]
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