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Rookie Quizzer: Kevin Farmer

Name: Kevin "Kevo" Farmer
Age: 17
Grade and School Attended: Junior at Pandora-Gilboa High School
Year in Quizzing:3rd year
Favorite Thing about Quizzing: Being able to have fun, and study God's Word at the same time.
Least Favorite thing about quizzing: Staying focused all the time. I'm not always the most focused quizzer
Funniest Quizzing Moment: the sower and the REAPER!! (such an inside joke)
Most Embarassing Quizzing Moment: see above...but many things I do are embarassing.
Favorite Verse in Hebrews: we'll see...
Favorite Verse in the Bible: Romans 6:12-15
Favorite Book in the Bible: I have a few, Corithians, Song of Songs, Acts and Romans,and of course, JOHN!:)
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Stats for 2003-2004
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Correct Jumps:
Incorrect Jumps:
Quiz outs:
Perfect Quiz Outs:
Quiz Outs with Error(s):
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