Jobs are easier ways to get money than training. You may have up to 2 jobs at the maximum, but you may only start off with 1.

Mentor: You teach people moves or special abilties they are able to learn that you already know. It takes 1/2 the AP so it speeds things up if you dont have the time. You must be in the same planet to train with the trainer and learn it. You must send a train with attempts and the traininer helping you learn it for this to work. The person pays the trainer the amount they agree on. Must pass a test with a webmaster, have 500,000 zenie, and have over 100,000PL to get your Mentor License.

Doctor: Removes tails permanatly from saiyans if wished. Also performs abortions and other things of that sort. Doctor must pay 50,000 for each action he takes. He may charge however much pay from customers.

Outlaw: At the end of each battle, you may take ANY 1 item or 10% of their maximum zenie from your enemy.

Contructor: These are paid to build anything on the build page.

King/Queen: Must have at least 3 residents of the planet (meaning they own a house there) to vote for you. Once elected king, you must have a house of your own, or a building of greater mass.

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