Stats are as Follows:

PL: shows how much damage you can take, otherwords your HP. For each point you place here, you get 10PL.

Strength: is your physical attributes which determine punch, kick, toss, etc. and do damage and raises by 10 for eah 1 point you put towards it.

Defense: increases by 1 and is a block type ::blocks the attack with his hand quickly:: its all or nothing here if you can block it than your defense must be higher than attack if lower it will be busted and you take full damage.

Ki: Increases by 1. KI damage is different than strength in that it takes ki damage plus the damage factor of the move.

Evade: It increases by one each time and is the ability to dodge your opponents attack before they hit you and can be helpful in a tight spot. It increases by 1 each time as well.

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