Welcome to the OMI-Philippines Guestbook!

Fr. Jonathan R. Domingo,omi - 08/31/00 12:02:22
My URL:http://healing.at/pikit
My Email:[email protected]
The official website of Immaculate Conception Parish/Parish Disaster Response Team, Pikit, Cotabato. Pray for Peace here in Mindanao!

Fr. Jonathan R. Domingo,OMI - 03/02/00 05:21:02
My Email:[email protected]
Congratulations! for the nice site....Keep it up. I'm still working on my website in Pikit...I'll send it to you soon!

Esther S. Fleming - 12/30/99 13:08:06
My Email:[email protected]
Just browsing to see programs close to home.

Dave Moore, OBCOM Webmaster - 10/13/99 20:32:44
My URL:http://www.omiobcom.org
My Email:[email protected]
A VERY attractive website. My compliments! I particularly like your "easy-on-the-eyes" color scheme and well chosen graphics. Best of luck!

marcy salariosa - 10/09/99 15:42:05
My URL:http://mykro.webjump.com
My Email:[email protected]
keep up the good "missionary" work ... God bless u all!

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