Dragon Sword Studios
You can contact me, Naomi Maughan at:
[email protected]
This is the Page that I have for my fantasy model horses.  All of them were CMed by me, so if you have any suggestions on what I can do to make them better, please email me. Anyway, thank you and enjoy.
Beauty of Zen. Unicorn Mare CMed from the Breyer old mold SM arabian mare.  Bred By LSDG Stables.  This is one of my very first unicorn cms.  Created 1999.
Unamed.  Unicorn filly CMed from the Breyer SM standing foal. This is an older custom. Created 1999. She is supposed to be the daughter of my mare, but I can't think of a name for her.
Unamed Centaur Female.  Cmed from unknown make horse and the Spawn series 17 Tiffany model. The tail and "mane" are windswept, and she has a hunting spear and a musicians battle/hunting horn. Created 2002.
Unamed.  Elemental Unicorn Stallion CMed from the Breyer Huckleberry Bey.  Created 2002.  This is my newest fantasy creation.  Eventually there will be 8 of these unicorns. One for each of the elements.  (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow)
X-celebrity. ??? Stallion CMed from the Breyer Huckleberry Bey. Bred by LSDG Stables. I still don't know what to call this creature.  Suggestions? (Don't say tricorn, that is a kind of hat!) Created 2001
Bay pegasus stallion.  CMed from the sm stock horse and a pair of Games Workshop old griffion wings.  Sorry for the horrible pictures, but photography is not one of my strong points. Oh well.  He is actually a real looker in person.  Created 2002.  Soon to have a daughter.
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