Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) Omicron Chapter is proud to sponsor the Young Investigators Symposium (YIS).  We are glad to showcase new scientists and their innovative research.  If you, a colleague, or a student are interested in presenting to our group, please contact us at [email protected].  We are interested in hearing about your work!

GWIS Omicron Chapter
Young Investigators Symposium (YIS)
YIS 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Guest Speakers:

Amber E. Baum, Ph.D.,
Postdoctral Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health, Genetic Basis of Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit

Marvourneen K. Dolor,
Analytical/Environmental Chemistry Doctoral Candidate, University of Maryland

Patricia A. Gonzales,
Chemical Engineering Doctoral Candidate, University of Maryland

Diana M. Yoon,
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Doctoral
Candidate, University of Maryland

Location: University of Maryland College Park Campus
                 Biology-Psychology Builidng #144, Room 1208

Time: 12 noon - 4 pm

Fee: $10 members/guests, $5 students (lunch and refreshments included)

RSVP: Connie Jung at [email protected] or 301-938-2702 by May 16th

Parking: Free at Regents Drive Parking Garage on Regents Dr.

Campus map :

2006 Young Investigators Symposium
Hosted by