



You should get the patches for Fallout 2 – the original releases were extremely buggy and weren’t as stable as the patched versions. There are patches for separate versions of the game. All of the patches are for the Win32 platform. If you apply the wrong patch, some parts of the game will become corrupt. Saved games from Fallout 2 v.1.0 are INCOMPATIBLE with the patched releases. A GeoCities mirror for the North American English patch is also available if the downloads on the Interplay and FilePlanet servers do not work.

NOTE: The version number v.1.01 has been given to both Fallout 2 United Kingdom and English Low Violence (ELV) versions. The UK version has full violence levels and the language filter can be turned on or off. The ELV version will not have a patch released for it. Also, the CD cover for the ELV version has “ELV” displayed on it.

-          English (North America) v.1.02d Beta patch (2.7 mb)

[Interplay FTP] [FilePlanet HTTP/FTP] [GeoCities HTTP]

-          English (United Kingdom) v.1.02e Beta patch (2.7 mb)

[Interplay FTP] [FilePlanet HTTP/FTP]

-          German v.1.02d Beta patch (2.7 mb)

[Interplay FTP] [FilePlanet HTTP/FTP]

-          French v.1.02d Beta patch (2.7 mb)

[Interplay FTP] [FilePlanet HTTP/FTP]




Some files are needed for Fallout 2 to run. They include:

-          Microsoft DirectX: The latest version can be found at Microsoft’s DirectX website here. It is required for Fallout 2 to run. The website is located at www.microsoft.com/directx. Fallout requires DirectX 5.0 to run. Computers running Windows 98 or later have DirectX 5.0-compliant extensions embedded in the kernel.

-          Win-Zip by Niko-Mak: This is an excellent archiving utility that is needed to unzip practically all of the files on this website! You can download Win-Zip at www.winzip.com. It’s not required to run Fallout 2, though.

-          Fallout Saved Game Converter (127 kb): This converter can make games saved with Fallout 2 v.1.0 compatible with Fallout 2 v.1.02. Created by Abel ([email protected]).

[GeoCities HTTP]



Like the characters from Fallout, there are two hacked characters for Fallout 2. Here’s the lowdown (fan fiction, if you will) on them:


Katerina, a 24-year old female, and Malcolm, a 27-year old male, were former officers enlisted within the ranks of the United States Armed Forces. Initially, they were members of a scout company and eventually found the ruins of Mariposa Military Base. The two remained there for several months. Katerina was a field medic within the ranks at that time, whilst Malcolm was a soldier and aided other Enclave troopers in ridding the wastes of any scum that might hamper with the U.S government’s (Enclave’s) plans. The F.E.V (Forced-Evolutionary-Virus; responsible for creating the super mutants from normal humans) was later recovered from the base and sent to the Enclave; Katerina and Malcolm left Mariposa and were later stationed at the Enclave’s Navarro Military Installation. After few years, a regiment of Enclave troopers stationed at Navarro received orders to search for F.E.V test subjects. Katerina and Malcolm were part of that troop. Malcolm commanded a scout company to search for the village of Arroyo, where the descendents of Vault 13 lived. (Some of the regiment were later reorganized into several Vertibird assault squadrons; they eventually found Vault 13 and kidnapped its citizens as test subjects for the F.E.V.) The scout company soon found Arroyo, and upon discovering that the Enclave was going to use innocent people as F.E.V test subjects, it soon dismembered itself from the Enclave, and some of the troopers left in search for a better life. Katerina and Malcolm remained in Arroyo, and pledged their support for the diminutive village, offering to find the Garden of Eden Creation Kit for it.


Katerina and Malcolm come equipped with state-of-the-art military equipment supplied by the Enclave. Both have an Enclave Mark II Powered Armor battle suit. As far as weaponry is concerned, both troopers come equipped with a sledgehammer specifically engineered for melee combat, as well as a standard XL70E3 semiautomatic rifle, a CZ53 minigun, and a M72 gauss rifle. In addition to the firepower, lock picks, tool sets, and specialized healing and anti-radiation chemicals are provided. Both Malcom and Katrina have undergone medical operations to enhance their combat performance; their bodies are now more resistant to harmful chemicals and radiation. Dermal armor also has been implanted into their bodies.


NOTE: These saves were created using Fallout v.1.02 and require you to install the Fallout v.1.02d patch. Additionally, these saves are for the North American release of Fallout 2.

-          Katerina, Hacked Character for Fallout 2 (180 kb)

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          Malcolm, Hacked Character for Fallout 2 (180 kb)

[GeoCities HTTP]



Several utilities are available to modify the Fallout DAT files and various critter, character, and item attributes. Check the documentation (.TXT or .NFO file; view using a text editor) for information on how to use the programs.

-          FALCHE2-Fallout 2 Character Editor v.2.11 (151 kb): This application, written by Khor Chin Heong ([email protected]), can be used to edit practically any character statistic in the game. Khor’s website is here.

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          FAME-Fallout Mod Enabler (668 kb): This utility, created by MatuX ([email protected]), enables the user to use several modifications at a time. This utility is particularly useful for running the Fallout 2 patch and a mod at the same time.

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          FIME-Fallout 2 Items Mode Editor (1.1 mb): This program, created by Garry ([email protected]), can edit the statistics of weapons, armor, chemicals, and ammunition.

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          FUCK-Fallout Utility for Critter Tinkering (151 kb): This curiously named application, also created by MatuX, can modify character files (with the .PRO extension) and can create new ones from scratch.

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          DAT-Man Light (113 kb): This program, again written by Matux, can extract files from the Fallout 2 .DAT files and can edit Fallout 2 .DAT files as well. It is highly recommended for people working on modifications.

[GeoCities HTTP]



Modifications change certain aspects of the game, and generally, for Fallout 2, change the name of weapons, color schemes, and dialogue options. It is a good idea to have FAME running these modifications alongside with the patch.

-          Klint the Generous (10 kb): The bridge guard for Arroyo is now a bit more generous. You can ask for money, guns, armor (including Frank Horrigan’s mutant armor), and the Black Hole. Created by Smackrazor ([email protected])

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          Stuguns v.1.1b (53 kb): Created by Overseer Killa ([email protected]), this mod changes some dialogue and weapons attributes.

[GeoCities HTTP]

-          Paint Job v.1.0 (19 kb): Again created by Matux as well as Splitsoul ([email protected]), this mod either changes the color of your car to a dark black scheme or a decrepit, dilapidated rusty scheme.

[GeoCities HTTP]

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