Toys for Tots 2000


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Toys for Tots successful in District No. Seven

 By WB Dan Gallegos

District No. Seven, MWPHGLW

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CAMP FORSTER MARINE CORPS BASE, Okinawa, Japan – While some stateside Toys for the Tots drive came up short this year, Masonic Lodges of District No. Seven, Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, State of Washington and Jurisdiction efforts was a success.  Members of both masonic Lodges (Torii Lodge No. 46 and Okinawa Military Lodge No. 68) were requested to buy at least one toy and bring to the meeting hall.  “We had a little more time and more people” working on the drive this year, Gunnery Sergeant Nate Brantley (Lodge Committee Director for this event) said.  All together almost 70 toys were collected by the lodges and turned over to Okinawa’s representative.

The nationwide program collects toys for children who might not otherwise get gifts because of their families income or other factors.  Families are referred to the program by base chaplains and family services.  Okinawan orphanages and hospitals also received toys, as did an orphanage in Korea. 

The response to Toys for Tots in the United States has been mixed this year, according to several stateside newspapers.  But it is safe to say that the members of District No. Seven lived up to their bargain of the deal by delivering on its promise to make this an annual event to continue to support the local communities in time of need.           

RW Torrence, WM Harris, TFT Rep, WM Deloney, and IP Downes


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