Ms. Andrea's Class Information
6th Grade
Religion - Read and discuss first three pages of Chapter 10.
Finish activities from Friday. You will need a few more copies of the Calendar Wheel from the "Ancient Egypt" booklet. I think everything is on my desk. Then students may have time to work on thier projects.

7th Grade
On the bulletin board by the door near the front of the room, there are "percent quizzes" created by the students. Have students get back into the groups they were in to create their quizzes, then have them trade quizzes with other groups and have the other groups solve the problems presented. Have students also evaluate the quiz; was it hard/easy, was it easy to understand, were the problems well written, etc.

8th Grade
Crystal - page 9 and 10 in the Algebra textbook, problems 15 - 40. Metiqua can help her if necessary.
Metiqua and Anthony - Page 166, problems 18 - 44 even, and 45 - 48. If they finish that, they can go on to page 175, problems 11 - 29 all, 31, 32. Anthony tends to rush and will hand in papers with question marks instead of asking for help. If he turns in a paper with question marks, please give it back to him and tell him to review the examples in the book or ask someone for assistance.
Everyone else - page 517, problems 15 - 39 odd, 43, 47, 48 and in their Mixture Problems packet they need to do the next page, I think it is problems 30 and 31 but I'm not certian. They should know where they are at in the packet. If they have time and would like to go on they can start on page 525 problems 22 - 36 even, 37 - 40, 44, 46. 
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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