This picture was taken in England during my 2nd year there. I'm not sure what was the date, though it should have been not before February and not after april.

The 2nd picture below was taken at about the same period, and it demonstrates my morning "anger" towards my friend since he woke me up in the morning on a SATURDAY!!!!! :) no offense mperns! You little... ^(&%(#%^ :)

The picture on the right is mperns, my pal, holding a Toffee Crisp, which he bought from a kiosk in Durham, Northumbria.
Doesn't this shot look like a commercial? :)
Well mpern's email is:

[email protected]
in case anyone wants to contact him. :)

The picture on the left was again taken in Durham (England). As you can see, I'm holding this phone card with (I think) no units in. If i recall correctly at that time I was trying to call an important person.

No more pictures for now!
(Last update 8 November 2000)
The above pictures were taken by Mperns, my pal. (c) 2000. All rights reserved.
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