Welcome Page
1685 Group
"Omnibus Classic"
the net magazine of the "1685 Group"
           Welcome to the pages of 1685 group. The group is amongst the oldest within the Britsh Bus Preservation movement being set up in 1968.  Amazingly the  core nucleus of members, within the Group, have been with us from day one. However new members have joined in recent times maintaining the enthusiasm of the early days.

             Hopefully these pages will be of interest to both the enthusiast and casual surfer.  The Group now has three vehicles in in its collection all of which formerly graced the streets of Birmingham (United  Kingdom).

1/  HOV 685 (1685) - 1948 Leyland PD2, Brush H54R - Ex Birmingham City Transport.

2/  CVP 207  (1107) - 1937 Daimler COG5, Metro Cammell  H54R - Ex B.C. Transport..

3/  SHA 431  (4031) - 1953 Leyand PD2. H56RD - Ex Midland Red.
1937 Daimler COG5 - Photographed  upon returning home to Wythall, after sucessfull rally at Ruddington, Nottinghamshire. - 4th August 2002.
!ssue 005 - 25-08-02 JWP
Site concept and content remain the property of "1685 Group" Copyright 2002, all rights reserved.
"Omnibus Classic "is independantly edited. The "Editors" or "1685 Group" or any of it's "Committee" do not accecpt any liability, whatsoever, for any statements,comments , views , inaccuracies expressed  within "Omnibus Classic" pages.
All pictures are "1685 Group" Copyright unless otherwise stated.
"Omnibus Classic " is entirely safe for child viewing. The "1685 Group" hopes that the youngsters of to-day find buses of yesteryear  of interest. Pop-up adverts are the sole responsibility of Yahoo beyond the control of "Editor "and the "1685 Group".
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