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Open communication avenue about homosexuality in Greece
Communication de l'homosexualite Grecque

Greek page page in Greek

An open mailing list for everyone concerned about homosexuality in Greece. For people that want to inform and to be informed and to participate in discussions about homosexuality and sexual minorities in Greece. Most Greek homosexual organisations and groups participate, along with organisations supporting LGBT+ rights in their agenda.

* to become a member: use our member application form
- you may also send an email-application to [email protected], with the sole content the subscribe command (from the email account you want to subscribe):
subscribe omofylofilia

* to send a message to the list without subscribing: send your message to [email protected], with a first contents line asking to forward it to the list. Every message that is not abusive nor racist will be forwarded asap.

- more.. F.A.Q. & posting guidelines

Most organisations, groups & activists of the rainbow forum created in March 2003 are list members. This public forum assembled for the co-operation and co-ordination of all kinds of actions supporting the gay rights and the LGBT+ community. For legal equality and social justice.
Organizations and groups already participating:
Ermis, greek lesbian-gay Community in Germany
Homosexual Initiative against Oppression
Homosexual Citizents Inntiative (POP),
World without War and Violence (Antivirus magazine)
Cooperation against Homophobia (Salonica)
S.A.T.T.E (Trans-gr & friends)
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Hyacinthus SF (usa)
ActUp gr
Synthesis (hiv)

Member subscription to the Omofylofilia mailing list
terms of use
name :

If you've read and accept the terms of use,
press the subscribe button once.

you will have to verify this application through your email.
- for any problems, questions, queries, please contact our support team:
[email protected]

web sites referring to us:

Athens Lesbian Group

Los Angeles Greek Gay and Lesbian Association - MAZI



 visits since 31 March 2003


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