Fanfic Rules
1. The story must somehow be related to the Daughters of the Moon series. It could be about Serena's kid or a daughter past or anything related to DotM. But I will not accept anything else.
2. I will not accept any stories that could be rated NC-17. I hate reading stories like that. If you have an NC-17 story, I'm sure you can find someone who would willingly put it on
their website, but don't send me any.
3. I don't really mind cussing, as long as it's not too flagrant. Don't make the next
8 Mile script and send it to me.
4. The story must have a title.
5. If it is a chapter book, specify this. If it is, you must send me at least one chapter every two months.
6. Your story must have an author name. You don't have to use your real name, but I have to have an author name or else I won't put the story up.
7. An email address must be provided. If you really don't want people to be able to send you their thoughts on your story, tell me, and I won't put your email up. But I need a consistent email address in case something comes up and I need to contact you.
8. Have fun and don't be offended if your story isn't accepted the first time. It may just need some grammer checks and things like that.

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