Top 10
Please keep in my mind that these are my favorites. If you would like to have your favorites known, please visit the polls section of my website.

Top 10 Daughters of the Moon Books
1. Into the Cold Fire
2. The Sacrifice
3. Possession
4. Moon Demon
5. The Secret Scroll
6. Goddess of the Night
7. The Choice
8. The Talisman
9. Night Shade
10. The Lost One

Top 10 Daughters of the Moon Characters
1. Stanton
2. Serena
3. Vanessa
4. Catty
5. Chris
6. Jimena
7. Collin
8. Maggie
9. Kendra
10. ---

Top 10 Book Series
1. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Harry Potter
4. The Immortals
5. Protector of the Small
6. 1-800-WHERE-R-U
7. Roswell High
8. The Mediator
9. Daughters of the Moon
10. Circle of Three

Top 10 Musicians
1. Matchbox Twenty
2. Bif Naked
3. Sensefield
4. Rasputina
5. Zero 7
6. Ghost of the Robot
7. Ivy
8. Save Ferris
9. Oasis
10. Lenny Kravitz

Top 10 Television Shows
1. Alias
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Angel
4. Dark Angel
5. Firefly
6. Roswell
7. CSI
8. Without a Trace
9. The X-Files
10. Navy: NCIS

Top 10 Movies
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
3. Bend it Like Beckham
4. Dirty Dancing
5. A Knight's Tale
6. Get Over It
7. Big Trouble
8. The Nightmare Before Christmas
9. Monkeybone
10. Sleepy Hollow

Top 10 Places Peggy Wants to Visit
1. Los Angeles, California
2. Roswell, New Mexico
3. London, England
4. Las Vegas, Nevada
5. San Francisco, California
6. Anywhere in Russia
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Anywhere in Scotland
9. Honolulu, Hawaii
10. New Orleans, Louisiana

Top 10 Authors
1. Tamora Pierce
2. J.K. Rowling
3. Laurell K. Hamilton
4. J.R.R. Tolkien
5. Bruce Coville
6. Meg Cabot
7. Melinda Metz
8. Frank Herbert
9. Patricia Wrede
10. Joss Whedon

Top 10 Ships
1. Sark and Sydney -
2. Buffy and Angel - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Jean-Claude and Anita - Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
4. William and Kate - A Knight's Tale
5. Luna and Harry -
Harry Potter
6. Eowyn and Faramir -
Lord of the Rings
7. Jess and Joe - Bend it Like Beckham
8. Irina and Jack -
9. Daine and Numair - The Immortals
10. Mal and Inara -

Top 10 Hottest Actors
1. David Anders
2. Johnny Depp
3. James Marsters/David Boreanaz
4. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
5. Michael Vartan
6. Billy Boyd/Elijah Wood
7. Viggo Mortenson
8. Seth Green
9. Ewan McGregor
10. Nathan Fillion
Into the Cold Fire - #1
Vanessa - #3
Circle of Three, #12 Written in the Stars - #10
Bif Naked - #2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - #2
Dirty Dancing - #4
Las Vegas - #4
Tamora Pierce - #1
Angel and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - #2
David Anders - #1
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