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Here is the entire Pangelinan clan...This would be my mom's side of the family...My sister Melissa is in the top left corner and to the right of her is my lil' brother Niko and my mom...My other sister Veronica is in the front in blue pouting...My Nana and Papa are in the middle (on the chair) and all those other people are either my cousins, aunts or uncles...We're missing ONE grandchild from this pic...It was taken in 1998 and since then, Damien was born January 31, 2001...

Here is my brother Niko...I may bitch about him sometimes but in the end, he IS my favorite sibling...It's strange that we get along the best considering our 10 year age gap but whatever...Great minds think alike, ya know?!

Here I am with my mom at Disneyland next to Goofy...We're dorks...

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