Item prices are valid only for US buyers, international buyers your shipping will be higher so please contact me and I'll figure out your total.

First off, if your item is NOT one of the $5 items please contact me by commenting on ether this page or the page you found your item on. When commenting please know your items name/number. Some of these are one of a kind or limited supply items so if I don�t know your money is coming I can�t hold it for you. Once I know you want it (via that comment I mentioned) I will hold your item for two weeks, if your payment doesn�t reach me by then, then the item will go up for grabs again.

Payments accepted:
I can take check, money order, and PayPal. Concealed cash also is acceptable, but send at your own risk. Personally I would prefer you to send it to me via check.
Paypal id: gargoyle_otaku[at]yahoo[dot]com (currently does not match what's on the order form, but I'm in the process of changing info over)
Make Check/money order payable to: Nadia Dzyndra
Nadia Dzyndra
429 Mulberry Hill RD
Randolph, VA 23962

In the event your payment is received on an item that was one of a kind and is no longer available for what ever reason I will contact you and ask if you want it returned or a replacement item sent.

Insurance is
not figured into price listed and is available only by request. Starting now all orders will have a US Tracking number attached, when your item is shipped you will receive your number via e-mail. You will also receive a url as soon as your order is placed where you can track every aspect of your order.

I know people are going to ask how they can trust me, it's something that most smart shoppers will wonder. First off if you want to google me (as weird as that sounds) I have been using the screen name: Samt03 since middle school, you should get several thousand responses. You can also google my real name and get stuff like 4-H and other things I've been in. (I just googled myself and found some odd things but meh). My screen name will of course have more hits because it's what I use online. It is my name as far as some people know. Keep in mind I'm giving everyone who reads this my real name and address, if you wish, when you buy I can send you my phone number so you can call and confirm everything.

Yay FAQ!

Just cause I know people will ask this stuff�

Q: Isn�t this an lj store?
A: Yep, this is the web extension of it.  Same stuff, just a better layout.  Eventually we want to expand to a paid site, but for now this is the �free site� expansion we were talking about.

You have fan art, is it legal? Technically, no, it�s not. However none of the images here are 100% accurate due to one reason or another. So technically yeah it is ok for me to sell this stuff.

When you say something took ____ amount of time to make how do you figure that out?
Well some of it I know cause I just made it. Other things such as the blankets take months to make. Some have blocks that were made years ago and saved. 4-8 months is a good guess.

What�s not hand made? You�ll know it when you see it�

You can combine shipping right? How? When purchasing more then one item contact me, I�ll figure out your new price based on your order total.

Why is shipping included? I�m lazy.

I have this image, can you use it for __________? Let me see the image and I'll let you know.

I have a latch hook I didn't finish, can you do it for me? Yes, base price is $10 and does not include shipping. Things such as how finished it is and the size will effect the final price, contact me and we can work something out.

Can you make this costume for me? Um, let me see an image of it and I�ll give you an approximate figure for how much it�s going to cost. I�ll need to know a couple of size measurements from you. Contact me and I�ll give you more info. See here for more info

Can you do payment plans? Yes, I'm willing to, however for something such as a costume I will not start them until I have half of the money. The item will not be shipped until I receive the full payment.

I want this item with this background Ok, is it a $5 item? Then ask and I may be able to do it for you

Yes I do offer gift wrapping on some items. I currently do not have an example of wrapping paper now however.

Note: If you were referred here by someone please put their live journal name (community, store, or private journal) on the order form in the space to the left of final total.

Order form (in the event this page is unavailable for whatever reason you can also download it here or here )

Please Note: I add new items every couple of days, they are usually placed on the entry that already exists for that item type. Also some entries are back dated so the best way to find new things is simply looking.
FAQ/Ordering Info
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