Dear Tim,
    So much has changed. I wanted to make sure that nothing ever happens to your tribute pages, so I need to keep adding things.
    I'm afraid of forgetting you. My life is going so fast now, with so many changes, that sometimes I forget to tell you goodnight.
     I miss you, my friend. I know that you're still here, in my heart. I know that we'll see each other again. It may be a long long time, but Timminy I promise I will never never forget.
     Sometimes I dream about you- I dream that you come home. And the dream is so real. But then, before I wake up, I tell myself: "This is just a dream. Don't wake up too excited. You're only dreaming." And I wake up and I blink my eyes and my heart aches so badly.
       The dragonflies are back around the pond. I remember how you used to love to catch them in carry them around in your mouth. I made the memorial for you by the barn- there's a copper dragonfly standing there. So, that if you ever do come home, and I don't see you, maybe you'll see the memorial that I made, and you'll know that you're not forgotten.
      I love you Tim. I have to go- my baby Sarah is waking from her nap. Oh how I wish you could meet Sarah. Take care Timminy.
                                                           Love, Lisa
                                                            June 8th, 2003
My little Tim- forever in my heart- photo taken December 25th, 2000.
      It's now been almost ten months since Tim disappeared. So much has happened since he left me, but every night I still say goodnight to him while facing west. I think that's the direction in which he left. I watch the sun go down and I say: "Good night Tim. I love you. Don't forget me, wherever you are."
       I think that my greatest fear is forgetting about Tim. I realized today that I can no longer remember the little things that he used to do. I can't remember exactly what his belly looked like, or even what his meow sounded like. I don't want to forget.
      Somedays I can't help wondering what happened to my little boy. I have a peaceful image in my mind of him gently falling asleep beneath a tree and simply not waking up. I hope and pray that this is the case. Sometimes I rewind back to the night of July 31st, 2001. I felt like I needed to go back to the barn, but I didn't. I think maybe if I would've gone back to check on him... just maybe....But maybes cannot bring Tim back to me. What's done is done. I prayed for weeks that God would bring Tim back to me, and He didn't answer my prayer. I can only believe that there is a reason that I can't see.
       I still haven't found the answer as to why I loved Tim so much more than any other furry friend. Truth is, I don't think I'll ever know. All I know is that I miss his daily prescence beside me. I miss how his tail would curl up over his back when he was happy and running towards me. I miss how he would let me carry him over my shoulder.
        I feel selfish sometimes for grieving for a animal when all around me people are losing loved ones. But even that doesn't stop me from hurting. I just wish I had the answer for Tim's disappearance. I know that someday I'll know the answer, but that day is a long time from now. For now I just need to hold on to the bits and pieces of Tim that I have left. I know that he's still waiting for me. Thank you Tim, for your love. I miss you terriibly.
Love, Lisa
May 21st, 2002
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