Welcome to my crafty corner. The following web pages are about the crafts I make. I have made crafts of all sorts since I was a young kid. Money was always tight so you saved when and where you could. You still do now a days. So enjoy the pages and if you see something you like and want to order just send me an email with what you want.
   I will be adding different pictures as I go along and different pages. Some will be mine others will belong to other crafters. If you'd like to  have something of yours added to show just email me with All the details and a pic.( it must be in jpg or gif format)
This site was designed by  Lois & daughter Lynn-Ann
Click on the Cottag to Enter My craft world. Enjoy and come again.
The above link takes you to my craft fair photos, also other photos will be added as time goes. I was delighted to find that my bank  gave their  members a month of advertising in their bank, so pictures of that will be added in.
To My Photo's
Below are direct links to specific pages of my site other wise you can click on the cottage  above and go to the beginging.. Thanks and enjoy.
Moulton, New Hampshere
Gorham Savings Bank - June 2007
Gorham Savings Bank - Dec. 2007
Stone Hedge -Ultimate Yardsale- June 2008
Up coming events
Odd Fellows Hall -  July 2008
Stone Hedge - Ultimate Fall Yardsale - Oct. 2008
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws