This page is to give credit to those whose backgrounds have been used on my site. If you should see  a background that is yours, please e-mail me with  verification that it is yours and a link to your website. Once verified you will be added to the list. Thanks. If you have a craft site you'd like to add to my list, e-mail  me with the link and any info you want with it.
A big thank you to all my friends and relatives who have given me lots of ideas,materials and inspiration in my crafty endevors.
For those of you who have kids, heres a site for you to check out. use promo. code MK19324
For those who are interested in chainsaw and wood carving my cousin has his own family talent  and his own web site. You can check him out at:
For those who are interested in beading the following web site is a great one to check out. by Bette Kelly
Also another great site  is:
For those who like, collect  and are interested in Native American crafts, the following is a great site by Baketmoon .
Check out my new blogging site; This is a new site  where I blog all about my crafts and will also be including crafty ideas along the way.
For all you crafters looking for new sites check out this great link, there you will find a listing of a variety of craft sites
A new family addition is sister Pamela Wise
who works around antiques and her husband Dave who does wood carvings. Here again is a family thing, we're all just a crafty bunch of country folk. Check out Pam's site at
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