Years ago I used to do beading projects, but none as challenging as I've gotten into at present. I enjoy making things as my web site shows. These are my latest projects,as with all my projects, if you see something you like and want to order, send me an email with the project name,the colors you want ,address ect. Depending on where you are the shiping & handling will differ.
                   Aztec design.
This one was pretty easy n can be done in a day.
The winter fringe is a more difficult pattern n takes about 10 hrs to do. The netted collar also has several hrs. tied up in it. My prices start at $30.00 and go up on necklaces, depending on style, colors and time
Winter fringe
Netted collar necklace with white fringe
                        Patriotic 2in. bulb
This one was an experiment., and of course imagination at work once again.
            Blue and Crystals
This started out according to a pattern I was using but running outta the blue caused this to end up totally different from the original.
          Christmas Hot air balloon
This bulb is once again a contiuance of imagination at work. along with pattern changing
           Blue with Pointsetta n stars
In makin a decorative bulb for my stepdaughter for christmas I miss judged so had to cover my mistake which turned out to be yet another great idea. Theres two stars hangin under this one.
These anklets don't take much time just lots of imagination. We got that!
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