Gorham Savings Bank
Every now and then you come across people, services or places that impress you. Gorham Savings Bank is one of those services.Granted I have an account with them but the thing that stood out with Gorham Savings  was that they give their customers great service and advertising space in their bank. I've never come across a bank that is as nice as this one. A special thanks to Kristy Luders who works at the bank, for helping me out like she has.
This is  the advertising corner. For the month of July I get to show off my  handcrafts in a bank.
In the left hand corner of the table is my old restored window. It was part of a picture window we had and took out. The frame and glass were still ok , so went to work with my stain glass and made the "basket of fruit". Next to that on the table is a long fish aquirium scene. This is done on a heavier piece of glass that was a door in an entertainment center,The center fell apart but the glass was in one piece. I took several different patterns and combined them to create the aquirium, and is set into a scrape piece of 2x3 oak wood for its base.
For a special thank-you to the bank, I did up some signs for them to keep. This was hubby's idea and a good one as  it went over great with the bank ladies.  So if you need a sign done up, just email me with your request and a picture of what you'd like done. Prices will vary depending on size of picture and amount of colors ect. If you'd like to see a larger picture just click on each of the two above and one below for a closer look.
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