The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)
Rating: 4 Severed Heads
A cult classic about  a scientist who must save his girlfriend's head after it falls off when they get into a minor fender bender with a guard rail (what, was her head held on by masking tape?). Now the doctor must find a suitable female body to transplant the head onto. But "Jan in a pan" isn't so happy about being turned into the butt of a thousand "good head" jokes, and vows revenge. And when she discovers that there is a creature made from animated corpse tissue behind a locked door in the labratory, she might just have her partner in crime.
I was suprised at how gory this movie is, especially for 1962. We're not talkin' chocolate syrup in the corner of someone's mouth, I mean an early example of full frontal splatterpunk gore stuff here. This film should be recognized as a catalyst in special effects gore. In fact, there's an edited version of the film out there that cuts out the "unfavorable" scenes.
This campy classic is sure to please, an give anyone currently attending a philosophy class plenty of ideas for their term paper. An absolutly great trashy picture!
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Doctors preform scientific experiments on their patients who die on the operating table
-Hitting a guard rail makes your head fall off
-I don't care if you're in a hurry, speed limits are in place for a reason
-Scientific research is a disease of addiction
-Don't trust plastic surgeons
Memorable Moments:
04min- Kids, you can write a paper on this argument for your philosophy class
13min- Is that the long and winding road?
23min- Q: How do we close up this plot hole? A: Her body burned up
26min- Did we just walk into a sexploitation film?
31min- Was 21 the age of consent?
40min- Don't flatter yourself honey, you're not that scary
57min- I sense a great evil in this one
68min- How many times do I have to tell you, let the Wookie win!
72min- I think it's high time you found a new girlfriend
80min- Hey, it's Sloth! Quick, give him a Baby Ruth!
82min- The Head That Wouldn't Die although technically more accurate, is still not the name of this movie
Don't Quote Us On That:
Dr. Bill Cortner: "What you see is real. What's done is done and what I've done is right. It's
                        the work of science."

Jan: "Let me die...Let me die..."

Kurt: 'The alchoholic has his bottle, the dope addict his needle. I had my research."

Jan: "Nothing you can be is more terrible than I am. A head without a body. A head that should
        be in it's grave."

Kurt: "You're nothing but a freak of life. And a freak of death!"

Jan: "I'm only a head, and you're whatever you are, but together we're strong!"
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