Ed Wood (1994)
Rating: 4 Severed Heads
Schlock fans everywhere are jubilant over the long awaited DVD release of Tim Burton's bio-pic ED WOOD.
The film details the trails and tribulations of the director of such famous bad movies as "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "Glenn or Glenda?", and "Bride of the Monster".
It stars Johnny Depp hamming it up in the role of the infamous "worst director of all time", and Martain Landau playing aging
Dracula star Bela Lugosi.
The film its self is shot in retro black & white and some are the sets are nearly identical to those in the Ed Wood films.
Landau was awarded an Oscar for his portrayal as Lugosi, and many say he was dead-on in his role. While he does play a good Bela, I feel he's hardly "dead-on" (there's a pun), and Landau's expletive-ridden language was more than a little out of character as several people (who I have met and not met) who knew Lugosi described Bela as nothing short of a Hungarian gentleman.
Although Tim Burton used more fiction than fact to pepper the movie, it is a classic explotive look into the mind of the mad director. Ed Wood would have been proud.
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