I Eat Your Skin (1964)
Rating: 4 Severed Heads
Writer and all-round playboy Tom Harris is told he might find a good story for his next book on a mysterious island called, what else, Voodoo Island, where the natives practice human sacrifices and an army of zombies roam the jungle. Tom is suspicious of the idea, till he hears that the island is also inhabited by virgin girls who out number men 5 to 1 (though if you take what you see in the movie to be true, that ratio of girls to men seems to be about 1 to 100). Hearing this, Tom is on the first plane to Voodoo Island.
Once there, Tom comes upon a skinny dippin' young girl who's being threatened by a zombie who kind of looks like Dennis Rodman. He finds that the girl is the daughter of a scientist on the island who is trying to find a cure for cancer, with of all things, snake venom. But the group is in trouble when Tom's woman is to be sacrificed by the local natives, led by a mysterious top hat wearing voodoo doctor, and a very effeminate voodoo priest and his zombie "army".
If you're not already behind this movie on the fact that they're on a place called Voodoo Island, take note...the zombies look like they have facial mud masks with cucumbers over their eyes and bleached hair!
We loved this movie, despite the lack of so much as a
reference to skin eating in the picture.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Voodoo priests sing like Harry Belafonte
-Microwaved snake vemon turns people into horrible looking zombies
-A flare in the gut looks painful
Memorable Moments:
06min- Does anyone else think this guy looks like Morrissey?
10min- You say they practice voodoo on Voodoo Island?
14min- Nope, can't see any huge island... Oh, there it is!
21min- Really original pick-up line Tom
25min- It's almost like his shifty eyes mean something...
44min- You know, the two of them could end this whole virign sacrifice thing right here and now
54min- That was a weird noise she made
60min- Here we see the process by which a normal man is turned into a crappy zombie
63min- I'm glad they marked the box for the viewers benefit
73min- Yeah, That was a shock...
76min- This is what happens when you put a fork in the microwave
77min- Die tiny model! DIE!
Don't Quote Us On That:
Tom Harris: "Voodoo Island?"
Duncan Fairchild:
"Yes. That's the name of the island."

Duncan Fairchild:
"There is one important thing I did leave out."
Tom Harris:
"What is that?"
Duncan Fairchild:
Tom Harris:
Duncan Fairchild:
"Virgin maidens. Just waiting for some sophisticated swinger like you to come                                    along and pluck them off their tropical vine."

Tom Harris:
"And what part of heaven did you fly out from?"
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