King Dinosaur (1955)
Rating: 4 1/2 Severed Heads
When organizing an expedition to another planet, you would assume that NASA would pick the best of the best, the most well trained individuals for the task. Not in this movie!
When a new planet, dubbed Planet Nova, mysteriously drifts into our solar system close to Earth (That happens every day...) four bumbling scientists are sent to the new world to investigate it. The crew consists of two men and two women, and wouldn't ya know it, they're two happy couples who can't seem to keep their minds off you-know-what long enough to fend off the attacks of giant dinosaurs, giant grasshoppers, giant mastadons, and of course those deadly giant armadillos.
So the men act like pompus macho asses while the gals bumble around like Lucy & Ethel (generally widening the gap between the sexes) until they stumble upon King Dinosaur (a giant iguana)!
A lot of this movie is watching King Dinosaur duke it out with other lizards inluding a baby crocodile and a gila monster. These are
real fights going on between these reptiles that get pretty nasty in an era when PETA couldn't put their greasy mits on anything movie makers did. If you can't make it to a cock-fight, just pop this puppy in, sit back, and place your bets.
Basically this movie is an episode of
I Love Lucy in space, only I never saw an episode of Lucy with 'raslin' lizards before.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Giant grasshoppers are see-through
-Tyrannosarus Rex looked just like a huge iguana with a horn on its nose
-Gigantic armadillos roamed alongside the mighty dinosaurs
-An atom bomb is a good thing to have around, just in case
-Staring directly into an atomic explosion without eye protection is perfectly safe
Memorable Moments:
04min- Something tells me that thing will play an important role later on
07min- Call me crazy, but an actual astronaut might be good to have along too
08min- That was the fastest 5 seconds I've ever seen!
12min- Planet Nova seems to be a little moist. Good thing I brought this hairdryer!
25min- You show that stuffed alligator who's boss!
26min- He looks all right when you wipe his fake blood off
41min- Let me see what's going on in my ViewMaster (does anyone remember ViewMasters?)
45min- You had to find some excuse to take your shirt off, didn't you?
49min- Gee, I wonder if that will play an important role later on...
50min- I think some production assistant shot that crocodile in the neck
51min- Ok, we get it! That thing will play an important role later on...
59min- Is that turtle supposed to be huge? I can't tell in this crazy movie anymore!
62min- We brought civilization to Planet nuking it!
Don't Quote Us On That:
Nora: "Afraid your guess was right. It's pretty young as planets go. Much younger than our Earth."
Ralph: "What era would you say it is?"
Nora: "Prehistoric."

"What a desolate, forsaken place."

"What time would you say it is?"
: "I'd say it's about 3 o'clock Earth time here."
: 'Cept that we don't know how many hours are in the daily cycle here. You know this place could move                around faster than our Earth."
: Well let's figure it for 3 o'clock anyway. That gives us 3 or 4 hours before dark."

Ralph: "I brought the atom bomb, I think it's a good time to use it."

Patricia: "Oh Ralph, what is it? What is it!"
Ralph: "I don't know, something prehistoric."
Patricia: "Ugh, it's horrible. Here, shoot it, do something!"
Ralph: "What with, that won't do any good."
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