To all our fellow film freaks out there,
First of all, thanks for visting the site! Secondly, as you may or may not have noticed, it's been a long time since this ol' website has seen an update (I tells ya).
Simply put, there probably won't be anymore major updates anytime soon... We still love our cheesy horror pictures (believe you me, I got like 200 of um right over my shoulder and those are just the ones I haven't even watched yet!) but unless someone writes a law declaring that a day is now 48 hours long, We simply don't have the time between the.... whatever it is we do with our time....
Now, if you want a link on ol' OMMFT, feel free to send an email, but don't expect it to happen overnight. Not trying to be rude, I just don't have enough hours in the day to do all the things that need to get done (and updating the site unfortunatly falls at the bottom of that list)
Perhaps someday, when the planets align and the tempature's just right.... you'll see a new OMMFT movie review! But until that day... keep
Spreading Schlock to the Universe!!!!
We love you all!
-The OMMFT crew
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