The People That Time Forgot (1977)
Rating: 4 Severed Heads
In this sequal to the 1975 film The Land That Time Forgot, an expedition goes back to the prehistoric jungle in the Antarctic, returning to find washed up actor Doug McClure who was left by the first that? No? Me either.
But who cares, becauase 8 minutes into the movie there's a cheesy pterodactyl attacking a model of the Wright Brother's plane. After that, the group finds a clevage, I mean cavegirl, who tells them that Doug McClure is alive on the island and being held captive by a tribe of deformed barbarian samuri called the Naga. Now it's up to a bitchy Princess Leia look-a-like, a fat old British scientist, John Wayne's son, and a chesty cavegirl to rescue him.

A non-stop bad special-effects smorgasbord from beginning to the climactic end battle with a dinosaur that's so lethargic you practically have to put your arm in his mouth for him to bite it.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-A stegosarus can be used as a tow truck
-Dinosaurs are easily driven away by smoke

-Prison walls should be made from a stronger substance than brittle old skulls
-Do not toy with the volcano
Memorable Moments:
02min- Princess Leia?
10min- Someone please tell me why it's biting the wing
12min- That's the worst model ever! Are those GI Joes in the cockpit?
35min- Is it just me, or do I feel some sexual tension?
42min- They hunt by sound? What a cheap way out.
44min- They're afraid to cross the boundry? Another cheap way out.
46min- Ladies and Gentlemen...Lethargosarus
51min- Castle Greyskull?
53min- Look at those man-boobs!
61min- Don't you hate it when you get mask-face?
71min- That arrow got caught in his hair!
72min- Best over-dramatic death ever
74min- Lethargosarus attacks! Sort of...
79min- How are those breasts staying in?
82min- I think they blew the whole special effects budget on explosions
Don't Quote Us On That:
Number of times Goddamn or Goddammit is said in this film: 7

Major Ben McBride:
"I don't give a damn about dinosaurs."

Dr. Edwin Norfolk:
"Pterodactyls are far more interesting than Germans."

Dr. Edwin Norfolk:
"It can only be one thing...Prehistoric."

Major Ben McBride: "No dice, Bo."
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